View Full Version : Shy Bladder

28-12-08, 01:22
I have suffered from a shy bladder since being at primary school. I thought the problem would go away when I got older, but it hasn't. I am 47 years old now. At times I really get depress about it. It has spoiled my life. I can only pass water when no one is near me, even when I go into the toilet cubicles it takes me so long to pass water. Then when that happens, I really panic. Over the years I have never went out with people for any length of time because not being able to go to the toilet in public. I have mention this to my doctor a few years ago. She does understand my problem. I wish there were a tablet I could take to cure me.

I wonder if anyone has the same problem with a shy bladder as I have.

Thank you for listening to me.

28-12-08, 08:44
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

I used to suffer from a weak bladder and can empathise with that feeling of not being able to go to the loo in public places. I used to be paranoid about people hearing me. Nowadays I'm less bothered by it. But I am sure you will find this a very common thing.

Pooh x

28-12-08, 15:30
Thank you, Pooh and Tetley for replying. That means a lot to me

Best wishes,

28-12-08, 16:56
Trust me, you're not the only one with this problem. I've had it since I was 11 and I gather it is actually quite common, it's just that no one talks about it, for obvious reasons!

For a while I lived in terror of using urinals but at a certain point I just decided I was always going to use cubicles and to hell with what people thought. These days it's very much the least of my hang-ups :)

28-12-08, 17:40
Hi Keith

I also have problems with public toilets and will not use them, so you are not alone.
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

28-12-08, 20:36
hi, i was just surfing the net and stumbled across a web site to do with people suffering from shy bladder. www.paruresis.org (http://www.paruresis.org) i haven't checked it out myself so i can't help you as regards of the content. best of luck