View Full Version : physical frustration...anxiety! =(

28-12-08, 08:15
:bighug1: awwwww im so happy 2 find this site!!!!! it made me cry because while i was reading it answered so many questions about my symptoms and finally gave me an answer!!!!!!!!! like "lump in the throat" and "palpitations" and "thick mucus" that gave me a soar throat cuz of all the swallowing i was trying to do all the time to get the thich mucous outta my throat because it was uncomfortable!!! and how im constantly feeling like im being suffocated and cant get enough air.....i think that is def. the worst symptom of all.........i feel like im not getting enough air and that is the scariest part that throws me into panic and uncomfortability. Anxiety can really run somebody's life if u let it. and not one person around me has the anxiety problem like me. The whole "lump in the throat" made me feel like my food was getting stuck in my esophagus and i havent been able to eat any hard stuff that i want...like a big fat steak cuz i was scared! ugh! and i have been hyperventalating for the past 14 hours, i just cant wait to go to sleep!!!! at least this site while i was reading gives me some sort of hope!!!! i feel so alone and scared and like doctors could do nothing for me when i cant get enough air. thank god i looked it up and as i read, it hit everything on the head. thanks for reading!!! good luck everyone.....seriously u mite feel like everyone in ur life is so blessed cuz they dont have this problem and when u are going through it and you look around at strangers outside and everyone is laughing and driving while singing and laughing at the bar with a tini.....know that you are NOT ALONE.....even if everyone around u seems perfect and u are suffereing wanting to die or sleep so u dont feel it anymore! xoxoxooxoxox love always angela. REMEMBER UR NOT GOING TO DIE OR STOP BREATHING AND I TAKE REALLY LONG WALKS WHEN I HYPERVENTALAT AND IT REGULATES MY BREATHING FOR ME. THANK GOD.......FRESH AIR~!!!!!!!! and stay away from alcohol.........the next day after a binge thats when it multiplies and messes with me the most!

28-12-08, 08:40
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

28-12-08, 18:02
Hi Diamondgirl, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :hugs:

28-12-08, 18:09
Hi diamondgirl
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

28-12-08, 23:46

It's good that you go for walks. Any sort of exercise is excellent for regulating your breathing. Also try to take slower breaths and breathe from the abdomen and not your chest. Remember, that although it can be frightening at times, you will not come to any harm.

You will find lots of information and support on this site.

29-12-08, 07:37
Hi and Welcome to NMP! Nice to meet you and look forward to seeing you around! there is much help and support here and plenty of good advice!

Rach xx