View Full Version : Wish me luck!

Phil H
28-12-08, 15:47
I have severe anxiety born from a kid with a fear of vomiting...totally disabled me due to whatever i try to do i come over with severe nausea (never actually sick but very prolonged attacks) which then triggers panic....BUT me and the doc have a plan in the form of domperidone (anti-emetic)...problem i also have a fear of taking meds,but today i realised this is never gonna end until i try this med..we tried everything from cbt training to counciling to the linden method (load of rubbish that is!) The theory is if this takes the sting out of the nausea then i shall get confidence which should in turn elliviate the panic...sounds good just need to grow some balls and take this med!

Any advice on this med anyone taken it,will i die?:weep:

28-12-08, 16:01
Hi Phil

Sorry have no advice to give you on the meds but I do wish you really good luck and hope it works for you mate.


28-12-08, 17:45
Hello. I also hate taking medication too, only recently (due to a visit from the dentist) I took some diazepam (although it took two attempts to swallow the damn thing!) - it went OK, and i didnt die

A fear of vomit is quite common - at the end of the day no-one likes to see/smell it, my advice is to live where i do, the street is quite often plastered with the stuff due to the local pubs/take-away, the nick-name that i call it is "pavement pizza" (if you make fun of it, it kind-of helps in a weird way?)

Veronica H
28-12-08, 18:01
Hi phil

I think you should give it a try although I donot know this med myself. Go on be brave, and if that doesn't work don't give up, as Iam sure there will be plenty of advice here from other emetophobes, and other things to try.:bighug1: Veronica

28-12-08, 18:56
Hi Phil,

I believe that domperidone is a good anti-emetic so I hope that it will have some positive effects for you and alleviate that nausea. Just think 'BIG BALLS' and swallow that pill, it may be a fantastic solution and a way of kicking your panic in to touch.

Best of luck with it and let us know how you get on.
