View Full Version : my story

28-12-08, 17:05
I am 26 yr old male who has been suffering like you guys from anxiety and panic attacks. My anxiety takes many forms but the one thats really destroying my life and relationship is health anxiety. I have been on medication for around about five years to treat my anxiety 150mg sertraline. I have 2 children and a wife whom i love very much and i have a good job.
The past 3 weeks for instance i have had a "chest infection" "appendicitus" because i had pains in my right side or something more sinister as i have lost nearly 1 stone in a month. My mind does not logically think because i have had flu and have not had an appetite and have not been eating as has my wife that, that is the real reason for losing weight.
I spend my life worrying about everything but my health is the biggest worry of all. I tell my doctor this and he understands and had referred me to see some one. I did myself no favours by turning down the appointment as on the day the letter came i felt alright but no sooner as i turned the appointment down it came back.
I have spent a lot of evening s drinking alcohol eating lots of sweet food, not much just 3 cans or so, as i felt it helped. But in reality it just made me worse as it is a stimulant and the next day was hell and the cycle would just repeat itself night after night. I have nt had a drink in over 1 month now. I dont feel the benefit from it yet but i know it is doing some good deep down.
I just want to feel better so i can be a better father to my children and
enjoy them growing up.

28-12-08, 17:30
I had problems with my eyesight kept seeing blue flashes and was convinced i had something seriously wrong. Anxiety takes so many forms that you find it hard to believe its anxiety. Unfortunately people around you dont understand what we experience so I find this is great talking to people like ourselves on this site.

28-12-08, 17:37
Hi danjhay
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

28-12-08, 17:45
Hi danjhay

Welcome to the site I think you will find alot of good advice and support on here.

Take care


29-12-08, 07:59
Hey and Welcome to NMP!

Hope you find the advice and support here as useful as i have