View Full Version : newbie

28-12-08, 17:14
hi all
my name is gina..i live in scotland...in august i had what my doctor describes as an avent...i had a slight mouth slip..which could have been bells palsy ..but i had a cat scan which revealed i had a very small burst blood vessel in my brain....i have since been fine and the doctor still thinks it was something other than a strke..as my symtoms were wrong for the place that the blood vessel was in my brain..anyway to cut a long story short i have been having panic attacks on a regular basis..bit better now...i have had propranalol,diazapam,lorazapam,citalapram and just about everything else..i am now free of drugs and only take my aspirin each day...i am also mennopausal and have a burning tongue...so thats me in an nutshell

28-12-08, 17:21
Hi gina

Well done for being drug free, not an easy task to do!
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

28-12-08, 17:32
thankyou sunshine..i am sure i will...although i am now drug free i still get the odd panic ..hubby is great though and so understanding..he even took me to work with him as i have a phobia of being on my own

28-12-08, 17:47
Hi gina

Welcome to the site I think you will find alot of support on here from people who will give you good advice.

Take care


28-12-08, 18:04
Hi Gina, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :hugs:

28-12-08, 18:34
thankyou i am sure i will.i didn't realise what panic was like till just so recently...going out tonight to play darts with hubby ...hope everything goes well as i am not used to company anymore and find myself so aprehensive ..i get tongue tied ..never had that problem before as i was always so confident

29-12-08, 07:47
HEY and welcome to NMP! Im sure you will love it here with all the support and advice NMP has to offer. plenty of nice ppl to chat too as well!

29-12-08, 11:05
had my night out last night and really enjoyed it...felt a bit panic before it but i was fine and we came 3rd in the darts competition

29-12-08, 19:19
thanks tetley..if you remember the name of the mouthwash that would be good....i was at drs today ..he thinks my tongue is linked to my neuralga..which is almost better....he is fab doctor and has been so nice to me..he even told me to phone him at his home if i had problems..he is so understanding...

29-12-08, 19:35
Welcome to NMP

30-12-08, 23:09
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

31-12-08, 20:21
hi memyself
i will be on chat in 5 days

01-01-09, 15:05
Hi and welcome :)
