View Full Version : Really scared of flu!

28-12-08, 19:59
Hello everyone and a late merry xmas to you all! Hope you all had a good one!
I have really bad fear of flu! Not bad colds but the full on flu! I have had it twice in my life, once when I was rather young and again about 7 years ago when the last epidemic was. It knocked me off my feet so bad for about 3 weeks!!! The problem I have with this is that it causes my anxiety to go through the roof! Tired and illness cause the problem to increase so much!
I have having small anxiety feelings and physcosomatic feelings of the flu the more I hear about it... and im not helping myself as im logging on to the flu watch website to see the levels increasing! I just know Im going to get it again this year and its going to scare me so much!
What can I do? Does anyone else have a fear like mine?
Many thanks and happy new year to you all :-) xxx

28-12-08, 21:28
Hi Steveo

I used to have this worry about Tonsilitis because when i got it, it got to the point where my throat would just about close over and i was so ill. I have had it 3 times now, the last time about 8 years ago.

My way of thinking has changed however, and i think now 'well if i get it, i get it and the docs will deal with it like before'. Try not to let your anxiety take over hun.

Love Lisa

28-12-08, 22:10
Lisa, i had a throat abscess about 3 years ago and i was so close to calling an ambulance because it was getting that big across the back of my throat, but literally at the last minute the antibiotics decided to kick in! That was so scary, i'd had it THREE weeks before they diagnosed it. I kept being told i had a throat/ear infection, it was too painful for it to just be that. I KNEW something was really wrong.

Flu is horrible, i have had it about 5 - 6 times now. Maybe more. It knocks me for 6. I don't fear it as such, but i certainly don't want it. I tend to get very bad chest infections that last for months and months, that is what i don't like.

I heard on GMTV that over the last 10 years the level of people getting flu has been a lot lower than average, this year it has ONLY risen to NORMAL levels, nothing more, but because there has been an increase the journos like to scare-munger. Its silly.


28-12-08, 23:36
Newspapers/news channels/radios will do anything to get people to tune in/buy. Because they get paid more. Simple as.

Belle's absolutely right.

I'm so scared of the flu too!

Why don't you get a flu jab? If you're scared of needles, there's another one, can't remember what it's called, but they spray something up your nose.

I'd have one but i've never had flu, and i'm abit of a procrostinator, and you still get a cold with a flu jab, so i don't see the point. But at least you won't be bed-bound.