View Full Version : Any advice?

28-12-08, 20:27
I keep having "panic attacks" At the mo I keep havin "bad thoughts" like something is going to happen to me health wise, I cant eat and when ever I do I get diarrhea. I feel very tearful, rapid heartbeat and feeling generally unhappy. I have not told my husband how I am feeling as I dont feel like he would understand. Many many years ago I went through a stage of self harming and depression

I dont know how to get out of this hole ? How do I convince myself that I am okay? How do I control my rapid heartbeat and breathing ?

I feel like I am going mad

28-12-08, 20:45
Hi Tiffany

What you are describing sounds like classic anxiety. Have you spoken to you GP hun? If not then i really would advise it, seriously,you don't need to suffer like this as there is so many options open to you.

Love Lisa

28-12-08, 20:46
Thanks hun, I just dont know how to explain it to my doctors as I am scared they will think I am crazy !!!

28-12-08, 20:56

Write down exactly how you have been feeling, like a little list of symptoms. No doctor should think that hun because with those symptoms, they should know what it is straight away. It's more common that you think, with millions of sufferers world wide so please don't think anyone will think you crazy. If they do then send them to me and i will kick ass! :winks:

Love Lisa

Boos Mum
28-12-08, 21:40
deep breathing can help

try your gp though, may be able to help you