View Full Version : Tired/weak

28-12-08, 21:49
Does anybody else suffer this? The last two weeks or so I have felt a bit tired from time to time.

Not sure if it's too many late nights to 3am but felt tired a few times and went to sleep at 8ish and wake back up about 9.30 does anybody else get this with anxiety? :unsure:

28-12-08, 21:52
I find that when I am on the go I don't notice how tired I really am. I have been on holidays for the past week and have never felt so tired and weak. I think it is from the constant worrying.

09-08-10, 22:07
This symptom has returned for me it seems..

Today I felt so weak I never wanted to move out my seat..had something to eat felt fine for half an hour then felt so weak even though I ate something I feel Like i've not had anything all day and so tried...

I was fine tonight with distraction after I pushed myself to go out..then when I walked I felt weak, tired, unreal awful again...

I am battling away but it's really taking over my life. :weep:

09-08-10, 22:13
when I am having bouts of anxiety / depression I get so tired, im exhausted all the time. Yestarday I got up at 9am, did some housework and cooked dinner, then had to have an hours nap to get over it. Its kind of like a feeling of being so weak as you say, that you just cannot fuction properly. i think it is more a symptom of depression

09-08-10, 22:21
Yes, I get this. I go for a walk and after 5 minutes feel like I could collapse and go to sleep on the spot. I think depression and anxiety are just exhausting. It causes me more anxiety though because I'm worried that I'm developing ME (my sister has ME).

Kerry B
09-08-10, 22:23
I am exactely the same I havent been out of my PJ all day feel so tired and just have no Interest or cannot be bothered to do anything, just want to keep sleeping, which is causing me problem when I go to bed at night as I am not sleeping and awake all night, I seem to have turned nocturnal.

09-08-10, 22:33
Well I have been going to bed late for months..not doing me at good. I feel better with more sleep.

Im worried I'l float away or die or go mad all the time with these symptoms or just pass out.

Should I worry about feeling all weak, awful? I feel all hungry and weird for nothing?

12-08-10, 20:07
Hi Phil,

As you say you're going to bed late and not getting enough sleep, so there is no secret about why you might be suffering from fatigue. If you disrupt your sleeping patterns eventually your body will force you to rest which may be why you feel tired and weak. As you say, you're better with sleep, so one thing to consider is listening to your body and getting more sleep.

Constant anxiety also fatigues your body more than you realise, so this will add to your fatigue. Anxious symptoms can feel more exaggerated when you are tired, and you seem to have become anxious about these symptoms, so you might simply be caught in a cycle of fatigue, anxiety, fatigue etc. Don't be so impressed by your fatigue and weakness. They are common among anxiety sufferers and nothing to be concerned about. Try and accept that you temporarily feel this way, and it will pass with time and rest.

The adrenal release and shakiness of anxiety can be easily misinterpreted as low blood sugar, which can make you feel like eating. Also, anxiety sufferers do burn more fuel due to their excitable nervous system. This happens to me a great deal when I am overly stressed. Fruit and unprocessed grains and breads are helpful here.

What you might also consider is a trip to your doctor to rule out any dietary or physiological causes.When you ask, 'should I worry?', the very best person to ask is your doctor, because I assume you mean, 'is there an illness causing this?'. Only a doctor can help you here. Once they give you the all clear, you can relax and accept your fatigue as an unimportant and temporary part of your anxiety, nothing more, which is just what I suspect it is.

While you lie on the couch afraid of your fatigue and the other strange symptoms of anxiety, you will feel tired, weak and anxious. Accepting them for the moment and continuing on willingly, without adding that constant, anxious analysis of your symptoms will help a great deal. When I am stressed I can find myself suddenly enveloped in a deep analysis of why I feel tired, shaky, dizzy, why my heart is pounding or by breathing is shallow. All of this is because I am tired and anxious. Nothing more. I really need not give those symptoms a second thought, and probably neither should you :)