View Full Version : Real Emergancy!!!!!

28-12-08, 23:29
Please reply please! Has anybody experienced these symptoms what i am having right now??

Heart beating VERY fast
Head spinning like crazy
Heart hurting!
Overwhelming tiredness and dizziness
Thirst that won't go away no matter how many glasses you drink
A real feel of terror!
Pain at the top of the left arm!!!!!!I am so scared! I don't know what to do. I can't even get help from anyone because i am laid in bed with this laptop on my knee, i'm that tired i can't move or talk. But i really can't sleep. I've been trying to sleep for about 2 hours.

HELP!!!! I really feel like picking my phone up and calling for an ambulance! But i know my grandma will go mad at me saying i'm stupid. Remember, i'm just 16!

28-12-08, 23:45
hunni, you are having a panic attack. You sound as if you are completely overwrought and very very tired. Could you go get your grandma and explain how you are feeling and perhaps she would sit with you until you fall asleep

(((hugs ))) hun i know how bad it gets - but i promise all the symptons you have listed are sterotypical panic attack symptons and ones i suffer from myself so i do understand.

How you feeling now ?

K x

28-12-08, 23:58
I think it might be because i'm having an early night.
Lately i haven't been getting to sleep until at least 2.30am. Latest 7am.

I don't know why i can't sleep. At night time i think really depressing thoughts.
I close my eyes and see dead people (lol it sounds funny, but it's weird).

I'm not on any medication. Been meaning to phone up the doctors about this, but due to this Christmas time of the year they're closed.

Thank you so much for your quick reply. It's the pain in my left arm that terrified me, i'm quite better now.

29-12-08, 00:21
it does sound like a panic attack. not pleasant I know and very real if you having one. :bighug1: i know how difficult they are. i quite often get the pain in the arm when having one and it can make you think all sort of horrible things. Just try to relax , breathe deeply and slowly. You will be ok. Have you got your grandma with you at the mo? if not just keep talking on here xxxxxx

29-12-08, 00:26
I've had one before that was actually worse than this, because it was my first one and didn't know what it was, and i was alone, my skin turned blue, my legs were too floppy to walk, and i thought it was either an asma attack or a heart attack!

This one seems to have different symptoms. It's pretty annoying, when my heart beats fast i think it's going to exlode, but then when it slows down i fear it's going to stop!

My grandma's not with me, she refuses to believe i have health anxiety, refuses to believe it can ruin people's lives, and just calls me a hypochondriac (which is the same thing, i know!)

Just a little reassurance to people that read this: at the doctors last year, the doctor asked me, do you know who live the longest? I said who, he said hypochondriacs, people with HA!

Thank you for your reply!

29-12-08, 00:33
Hi lainey

I feel for you, I know how it feels, been there millions of times myself, it will always, always go away, it's a matter of riding out the storm.

I'm so glad to see that you're feeling a bit better since your first post. Tiredness can make anxiety 10 times worse, please try & get some sleep hun.

There is practically zero% chance of a heart attack at your age, you are so young to be thinking of this sort of thing, but I was quite young too. My advise to you is get help for the anxiety & as much of it, as quickly as you can. I left it 5 years & wish I hadn't.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz go to sleep now:whistles: :whistles:
Take care

29-12-08, 00:35
no worries for the reply it s what we're here for!:hugs: i know the feeling with the heart. I have before had it speed up 19 to the dozen,then managed to calm myself down and then feel if it is still beating. Bizarre I know! not nice all the same. Has the pain in your arm gone?

29-12-08, 00:38
Thanks Elspeth. As soon as i saw your name i smiled. My best friend was called Elspeth, and it's such a rare name it was weird to see it.

I would love to try to go to sleep, but i have nightmares, i know it sounds so stupid at my age but they are terrifying, i wake up in a cold sweat, heart thumping and not being able to close my eyes again.

Where shall i get this help from? Should i start seeing a counsellor? I've seen one of those before (not for this, because i was young when my parents split, in a bad way, leaving me with my Gran) and i had to wait 6 months to start seeing one. And that was fast! The waiting list can be a year.

Thank you.

29-12-08, 00:40
The pain in my arm has started to come quite frequently, i think its because the bone in my elbow cracks alot, when i crack it, it goes for a while then comes back! But the pains in my shoulder-ish.

I feel if my heart's still beating quite regularly lol, people give me dodgy looks at college when i do that.

29-12-08, 00:59
Hey lainey

Glad you're smiling:)

See your doctor, tell him exactly how you are feeling. You will need to be referred by your gp to see a councillor of some sort, personally I believe that if you can get it sorted asap, then you're more than likely to get over it quicker.

Have you read any books on the subject? Dr Claire Weekes's books are very good, she explains everything in great detail. When I first read them it was such a relief to see my symptoms written down. Her first 2 books are 'Peace from nervous suffering' & 'Self help for your nerves'. She also has done recordings of these, I can pm you a link to download free if you like.

I think you will soon drift off to sleep hun, I hope that you don't have any more nightmares (tell this to the dr also).

Take care & let me know if you want the link.


29-12-08, 01:08

I'll ring the doctor up tomorrow, our doctor practice is so horrible though.
You have to call them at 8.30am, even if it's not to get in the same day, 3 days in advance. Like you're going to know you're going to be ill 3 days in advance.
Which, is new years day (i think) so they won't be open anyway! + They aren't open wednesday or on weekends. Useless.

The doctor i see is always booked up, i only see the best! Because he takes me seriously, but makes me laugh at the same time to calm me down and stop me worrying, if you get me.

Thanks for the support, i'm pretty new, and it's amazing how nice you all are. I don't know anybody else who worries like me in RL. They all say get a grip don't be silly. I'd love to!