View Full Version : Hi! new and need someone to talk to

29-12-08, 07:43
Hi Ive been living with depersonalization/derealization for a year now. Along with depression and panic disorders and what not. Its been a very hard year and I'm in desperate need to talk to some people who can relate and help. No one understands people with this disorder unless they have it and i need to meet some people like that. I feel very alone in this world and would appreciate some help.

Talk if u can relate or help in anyway.

Thanks :)

29-12-08, 07:55

i know what depression and panic dissorders are like, but cant say so myself that i have suffered from depersonalization! There is others around here that have though!

WELCOME TO NMP! There is plenty of advice and support here so be suree to stick around! plenty of friendly people here to!

take care!

29-12-08, 19:36
Welcome to NMP

29-12-08, 21:10

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

29-12-08, 21:55
Hi mattsy

Welcome to the site I think you will find alot of people on here who understand what you are going through and you will get some good advice and support

Take care


30-12-08, 23:05
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

Katy W
31-12-08, 09:20
Hi, my names Katy and I think I understand - I was diagnosed 3 years ago with anxiety and depression, I completely agree, you do feel alone and its very scary - although my family and husband know and try to help they don't understand and I feel that they think I'm just abit low and need to 'snap out of it'. I've not told my work colleagues because of the stigma attached to depression and so that is extremely tough , it was especially difficult during the first few weeks when I wasn't on medication, constantly running to the loo to cry and returning to my desk to work as though nothing was wrong. Its tough sometimes when I'm having a bad time and can't tell my work colleagues the real reasons I'm visiting my GP, you tend to get more understanding if you have something physically wrong rather than mentally. I'm sorry I can't offer any solutions for you but only that I think we've come to the right place to meet others in similar situations who understand :-)