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09-12-03, 16:55
I know that alot of people are very successful with using visualisation techniques.

However, I have great trouble "imagining" things.

One of my relaxation tapes gets you to "walk slowly" down some steps into a sunken garden.

He counts too slowly, and I'm always at the bottom before he gets to four! Also, my mind wonders, and because he has said sunken garden, I straight away think of the Blue Peter sunken garden and start looking round for Simon Groom and Goldie.

People have said, when you are anxious, just imagine you are on a warm sunny beach etc, but I can't do that either.

It's is really frustrating. I know this tape helps, I put it on as I'm going to bed, and always wake up calm in the morning (it has some subliminal messages embedded in it too), but I would really like to do it "properly".

My therapist has given me a really good self help book for irritable bowel syndrome, and there are some visualisation things in this that I can't do either.

How does everybody else "ground" themselves, and keep focused on the job in hand? It's really beginning to drive me mad (nay madder), because I really want to experience the true benefit of these suggestions and can't. Is it just me being useless, or is this quite common?


09-12-03, 17:08
ooooh Charlie,

You're just who I need today.

My relaxation expert friend who's working with me on my project has just today been in the recording studio doing a CD for just this issue !!!

Can I send you one to try out ??


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
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09-12-03, 17:20
Oh and BTW , he doesn't count too slowly, you think too fast.
It's all about slowing down your thoughts.

When panic all started I went to this lady who said ' close your eyes and think of yellow'
Eventually after several years it seemed ,she said - open - what did you see ?

Yellow dress, yellow sand, yellow sun, yellow paint, yellow flowers, yellow , yellow etceetc, She roared with laughter and said that she just said 'Yellow ' and that was part of my problem - too quick at computing.

A long time later and many, many yoga sessions and meditations later I can just about do it Okish.

It's very common - more anxiety bonding.

Ruth came across something very different recently that she's been trying out on classes and the slow people hate it but the whizzy ones love it !!!

It teaches your mind to relax and our theory is that when you have mastered this one we can move on to a half and half etc

And finally..... you are never useless at something- just come from a different persepctive, inexperienced or disinterested .

Now that was a negative comment and cannot find you an get out clause for it!


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-12-03, 17:33
thanks charlie,

you always manage to make me laugh!

ive never done well,with those tapes,but as you know,i have one of falling rain,and i dont have to visualise at all,just close my eyes,and listen to the rain...its wonderful,and soo relaxing..ZZzzzz.

thanks for making me laugh...bryan.

09-12-03, 21:40
Charlie I have to walk down the steps in to a garden or 'special place' too. The problem I have is that my place always seem a bit scary, I cant get the image out of my head of a beach surrounded by tall cliffs - very claustrophobic and not at all calming. What can I do about this?


09-12-03, 21:47
quote:Originally posted by Lottie32

ne of my relaxation tapes gets you to "walk slowly" down some steps into a sunken garden.


Is this the "Deep Sleep" tape from hypnosisaudio.com?


09-12-03, 21:49
I have tried to do some visualisation too but I always seem to think of lots of different things, my mind seems to be restless..plus I cant think of a particular place etc that I feel calm and relaxed in. I always think of something then feel uneasy about that place for some reason?

Whats that all about???


09-12-03, 21:49
quote:Originally posted by Radar

My relaxation expert friend who's working with me on my project has just today been in the recording studio doing a CD for just this issue !!!

Can I send you one to try out ??

Don't forget me Meg ;)


09-12-03, 21:52
thats what I mean Sadie, the places are always eerie to me.


09-12-03, 21:57

What is with us two..we both have weird dreams and cant do any visualisation without feeling scared...

Do you think there could be a link there somewhere[?]


10-12-03, 09:15
maybe they should pack us off for some psychoanalysis


10-12-03, 09:18
Twister / Sadie - I find that I create "scary" images too! I'm sure Meg will say it's because we are in an anxious state and haven't learnt to slow our minds down, but then we are in a chicken and egg situation! Let me know if you crack it.

Nicola - no its Relaxation Made Easy (I posted the details to Diana sometime last week) it's quite old and published by Divinity Publishing

Meg - it wasn't a negative comment - I took it as constructive critisism. Please send me any tapes you want!!!! I'm sure that they won't have the same explosive effects as the nuts! (Although that was my fault for eating them TOO FAST - doing everything at 90 mph is one of my main traits). I'm ok now I've rationed myself (and they work too - but you knew that anyway)

Just please don't ask me to do any more blo**y Yoga. I did three years of it and it really bored the pants off me, and I can honestly say I didn't feel any benefit at all. What is more relaxing to me is doing something physical (swimming, running) so I'm knack**ed, then I find it much easier to "chill"!

Glad I'm not the only one who has issues with this. Is it because I worry too much I wonder? I'm good at planning events, because I can always see 300 things that might happen, and can then take action to stop it!


10-12-03, 14:29
I'm not sure that it's because of the anxious state , maybe because of the constant habit of looking at all the scary possibilities first which contributes to the anxiety before looking at the delight and beauty of something.

I remember being in Cornwall - having tea and cake in an ideallic bay in front of a private protected cove.

Everyone was completely enthralled with it and ready to sell up and buy one of the 4 cottages there .

All I could think of was what a horror place it would be during an earthquake or tidal wave with all the cottages being washed away and how the road there was just too narrow to make a quick get away ......

Months later we had a similar scene presented at a meditation. I was immediately back there and the tidal wave was in full flow although she actually said 'little ripples at your feet.. !!

I too get intensely bored at yoga and don't do it properly and am being forever told off but I know it has done me much good especially when I was really shaky.

This relaxation is not Yoga - as in no postures but will involve breathing !!


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

10-12-03, 15:30
Breathing is excellent.

I am very aware that I can't breathe properly at all. (Obviously I breathe reasonably well enough or I wouldn't be writing this now).

I've booked an assessment at the Gym on Friday afternoon - and am busy psyching myself up to actually GET THERE AND DO IT.

I'm hoping improving my general level of fitness will improve my breathing.

Every time I concentrate on my breathing I realising I'm not doing it properly - but is that because I'm thinking about it? Or because I really do breathe like this all the time? Ha Ha Ha.

Trying hard not to think too much about breathing, cos I'm sure it only makes it worse. I'm very good at breathing in, but don't seem to be able to breathe out properly if you know what I mean.

Do you still have my address, or should I e-mail it again?

Can't wait to try it - really feel like this forum is going to be the start of me cracking this once and for all.

I've got so used to feeling like this (about half of my life) that I've come to accept it as normal (although that doesn't mean that I don't want to change!!!)

Many thanks


10-12-03, 15:43
I too breathe so badly you wouldn't believe - help me with this MeG!!


10-12-03, 16:16

Do you do it all the time?

I am quite good at getting it right when I'm having a turn, cos I know it helps, but as I'm sitting writing this, I've suddenly become aware that my breathing is not correct!


10-12-03, 16:32
As you're both still here and have been for a while, you both must be breathing absolutely fine - for the primary function of oxygenating the body.

When we get nervous the breath automatically increases to fully oxygenate the body for fight and fight etc if we then don't use it and still overbreathe (hyperventilate), the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide changes.

As we inhale we take in oxygen but are not getting rid of enough carbon dioxide in our short outbreaths.

Overoxygenation leads to tingling, pins and needles, numbness, feeling of restlessness.

So...... to rectify this we try to do longer out breaths than in or if you find that too hard in times of anxiety - as I did, learn to hold your breath a touch longer- (allowing gaseous exchange) after an inbreath and after breathing out. - same effect .

Now to the different styles of breathing. Most of us every day only breathe in our top 2/3rd of lung and only in a sigh or cough get the stale bottom air changed.

Abdominal breathing is simply using all your lung capacity. As you breathe in your tummy (Aka- bottom part of your lungs) should rise. If you put your hands on your abdomen with fingers just touching they should move apart as you breathe. As it is using your full lung capacity you don't need to breathe as much and thus can slow down -thus not having restless feelings and breathe out more CO2....

To energize - you need to breathe moving the ribs outwards to the sides more and not so concerned with the bottom bits - a traditional deep breath , as taught by physios.

There is a huge fuss made about breathing especially with any mention of anxiety but as long as you're not blue and not panting you're doing it just fine.

Lots of people who sit all day sedentary just breathe with the top bit - especially if the lungs are squashed by excess tummy.

Agorophobics restricted at home really are at risk of this in a big way unless they have lots of housework or stairs or kids.

This is not recommended thus another reason for up every 30 mins or so. Walk, stretch , deep breaths.

The fitter you are the more efficient each cell is at using its oxygen so you don't need as much so end up breathing slower at rest - ditto your heart rate.

Has that helped at all ?

I won't even mention smoking.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-12-03, 09:14

Thanks. I put my relaxation tape on last night to try and help get me sorted, and I couldn't breathe out properly last night either.

I can breathe in forever, but seem to find it physically difficult to breathe out properly. I think it's because I have got some background anxiety going on most of the time, and my body is not relaxed, so I can't use my abdomen properly.

I do try and make sure I'm abdominally breathing all the time.

Thanks for explaining the whole CO2 thing. Thats how I've been feeling for most of the week, and I've been aware my breathing has been "bad". At least now I know, I can rationalise it, and not keep thinking I'm about to have an anxiety attack.

I can rationalise my low blood sugar/panic attack thing now thanks to your blood sugar explanation of the other week, and used the information to my advantage on Saturday!

At least I've got something right!

Enrolling at the gym on Friday, and really hoping that it will help too. This isn't an excuse, but I am going to really try and give up smoking in the new year, I've just got too much going on at the minute to set my mind on it! I'm on 10 or less a day now though, and only had 6 yesterday, so I'm getting there.

Thanks Meg x


11-12-03, 12:21
Hiya Charlie,

I cant visualize at all!!

I was scared of visualising at one point would you believe

i can't even count sheep to go to sleep (i tried it years ago and just got loads of black blobs moving really quickly and kept myself awake trying to count them!!


11-12-03, 12:44

I couldn't picture a sheep in my head if my life depended on it!!

I put my relaxation tape on last night to wind down as I was going to bed, and tried very hard to walk down the steps in time with his counting.

But I got halfway down, and he was still on five, then I became convinced that somebody was going to come down the stairs after me.

I carried on walking down the steps in his time - but looking over my shoulder all the time as I did it, in case the person who was going to get me came!!!!!

How totally mad is that!!!!

Just wish my mind had an on off switch!


11-12-03, 15:10
have you thought of just using relaxing sounds,for instance the sea ,breaking into surf,seagulls,dolphins,horses playing in a field,or as in my case ,the sound of rainfall...its still visualising of sorts,but you listen to sounds,that you really like....bryan.

11-12-03, 15:29
The thing is Bryan, I hear things in noises that disturb me more.

I am ok with the sea, but it unfortunately makes me want to wee alot.

Seagulls are horrible screeching things

Dolphins - NO NO NO! If I listen to dolphins it reminds me of Orka The Killer Whale film, where the nasty fishing trawler hooks up Orka from the sea, and slits her open to gut her and the baby whale falls out. I had to ask her to stop playing the dolphin tape when I went to yoga. And explain why! It was great - there was loads of space around me every class after that!

My horse is quite heavy footed, and when he plays in the field it sounds like a herd of elephants. I would need to find somebody with a fleet of foot pony for that!

I can actually relax to the relaxation tape, in that I find his voice and the subtle background music quite relaxing, it's just that I keep myself awake trying to visualise the images.

I might go and try and find some gentle piano music though - that could be quite soothing.

Quite like the rainfall idea though - although I'm a bit worried it will have the same effect as the sea tape! I shall look for a rain one next time I'm out

Thanks for the suggestions though Bryan - sometimes you just can't please people!!!!!



11-12-03, 16:00

i do understand wot you mean!

i went for hypnotherapy,shortly after the paddington train crash,four years ago.

unfortunately,he had a dreadful cold,and kept sniffling..he also kept stopping,to slurp his lemsip..so i was just concentrating on this.

he gave me a tape to listen to in bed,but after 5mins,i got out of bed ,and binned it..luckily the nhs paid for it,otherwise,i would have demanded my money back...best wishes..bryan.

11-12-03, 16:07

'but seem to find it physically difficult to breathe out properly.'

It always seemed easier to me if I breathed in well through my nose but blew out gently through my mouth - Any difference ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-12-03, 16:28

Oh you are a star!

How simple was that, and how stupid do I feel now!

Why can I breathe out forever through my mouth but only seconds through my nose?

Who cares, it works. Now all I've got to do is practice the art of breathing out slowly through my mouth, without it gaping open and making me look like some sort of country bumpkin



11-12-03, 17:07
Dear Charlie,

You shouldn't feel stupid now at all, but pleased that you've learnt something new that you can add to your repetoire !! Blow gently and slowly - perhaps try a kissing posture - should lead to all sorts of options.

I think it's to do with the architecture inside us - my theory and I'm sticking to it !!


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...