View Full Version : Im scared of Cervical Cancer

29-12-08, 10:56
Hi Guys, i am yet to have a smear test done as i am under 25 and havent got a letter from the doctor yet. I am 21. I have scared myself silly that i might have it as before i got pregnant i bled heavily for 21 days doc gave me tablets and said it was a hormone imbalence, I was under some stress at the time but this has happened twice once when i was about 15 as well. Anyway i was refered to a gyne and when the appointment finally came through everything was fine so he decided to leave it be and i havent had any further problems. Now since i have had HA i am petrified that the bleeding i have had is cancer and it was just dimissed. I also have been reading that you should have a smear test every 3 years after becoming sexually Active which again i havent. Also i hate to admit this but 2 years ( nearly 3 ) off my current partner i caught Genital warts which is a strain of HPV and this def causes cervical cancer. This was a very mild attack and we have both been checked for everything else and are fine, doc even said that my age and my health i would probably cure the HPV but i cant help but worry. I have not had any signs of having the virus back since ( touch wood)

I have decided to pay for a smear test once the baby is born but i am petrified that it will say i have cancer, i am that scared i almost dont want to have it done. I have been trying to rationalise my fears over HIV but this cervical cancer fear is bringing it all back :(

Boos Mum
29-12-08, 11:21
I'd get a smear, sorry but I had cervical cancer from hpv at 22 it was removed, I'm fine now

Sorry to worry you more but your GP was wrong, the bleeding could have been a miscarriage vs cervical.

PM if you have any private questions, I'm happy to help, but I would get a smear

29-12-08, 11:36
Hi, it wasnt a miscarriage as i was on the pill and he did a pregnancy test. He said the most common cause of bleeding under 25 is hormone imbalance, surely as this happened 2 years ago i would have some other symptoms by now. i have also just read that the strain that causes genital warts very rarely causes cancer. Its the types that show no symptoms that usually causes cancer. I dont want to worry about this for 3 months as i cant have a smear done until about 12 weeks after labour!


29-12-08, 11:57
Awwwwww tash huni!!!

Nooooooooo, sweatheart. If it was cancer then rest assured it would have showed it's ugly head well and truely before now. Stress does play havock with our lady bits hun :winks:, God i have been there so many times.

If you are pregnant then it is standard procedure to have a FREE smear test 6 weeks after birth.

Try not to worry to much huni as i am sure you are just fine.

Lots a love

Boos Mum
29-12-08, 12:32
I had a smear while prego, that is what they do in the usa.

OK lets think this out, say you did have CIN 1 which is the most common, then what? You can't do jack while pregnant.

Afterwards you'd have a biopsy and maybe a bit removed, its all pretty simple.

I did have symptoms though love. I'd not worry right now, the "what if" isn't that bad to worry so much, kwim?

Cervical pain would be a problem if you had it too, let your mw know if you evr get it

29-12-08, 12:53
Thanks everyone, although boos mum you gave me a little scare. but thanks for replying. Im just latching on to something that happened ages ago and thinking the worse. im sure i would have had more symptoms by now than 1 bleed.

29-12-08, 14:33
Sweetheart, I certainly wouldn't be thinking down the cancer route if i was you. You would have had many more symptoms by now, infact untreated as it would have been in you case, well enough said! So it's defo NOT cancer huni.

Sending you big hugs hun and whispers....Don't you worry!!


Love Lisa

Boos Mum
29-12-08, 15:15
Thanks everyone, although boos mum you gave me a little scare. but thanks for replying. Im just latching on to something that happened ages ago and thinking the worse. im sure i would have had more symptoms by now than 1 bleed.

I'm not trying to scare you love, but I also don't want you to think it's impossible to have a problem before 25 like your GP said, KWIM?

Its not a huge deal normally anyway, don't stress, think nice thoughts :D

12-09-13, 15:01
If you are pregnant then it is standard procedure to have a FREE smear test 6 weeks after birth.

Sorry about bringing up an old post, I was just wondering if this quote was true? Just as I do not recall ever having a smear test or being invited and I have a 6 year old daughter.

12-09-13, 20:03
Yes it is true hun.

Usually when you go to your GP for your post natal check up, normally 6 weeks after you've had your baby, they will routinely carry out a smear test at that time :)

12-09-13, 20:16
Thank you auntie moose :-)
Hmmm I wonder why I never got one?? Unless I did but forgot?

12-09-13, 20:52
Had you had a smear anytime before your baby was born hun??

I can only think that maybe they didn't think that you needed one at that point.

Have you had any smears since hun??

13-09-13, 09:12
Hi AnutieMoose,

I always thought I had had a smear when I was pregnant but then somebody on here a few months ago told me it will have been a swab, which does seem more likely.
Either way I am getting my smear today (due to turning 25) so at least my mind will be at ease in a few weeks. I also have a doctors appointment later on so I can express my worries to him :-)
Thanks again for your advice.

13-09-13, 17:58
You're more than welcome hun :D

13-09-13, 20:23
Well had my smear test and it was a lot better than I expected. The woman was very easy-going and I felt very comfortable around her.
She told me my cervix looked healthy and if there was anything 'sinister' she would have seen it. (I told her I have health anxiety hehe).
I also had a doctor appointment after and was again told that it is usually visually obvious if something is wrong and he also said that in the unlikely event of me being called back - not to worry as out of every 100 people who get called back, only 1 to 2 of them will actually have cancer.
The only downside is I was told my results will take 4 - 6 weeks :-(
However, I was reassured that I have a healthy cervix and have nothing to worry about.

14-09-13, 13:37
Oh I'm so pleased that it's done and that you're cervix looks very healthy hun :)

I hope that what the nurse and doctor told you has helped put your mind at rest now :)

Hun try to remember that cervical cancer doesn't just appear just like that.......it all starts with very subtle cell changes and these changes do NOT mean that you have cancer. I had some cell changes a few years ago and I had some treatment which took no longer than about half an hour and since then I've had no problems and my cervix is very healthy now :)

All the time that you keep having your smears, you will be just fine hun :hugs: