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View Full Version : Is death the option

30-06-05, 08:52
I am feeling really ill and really feel like there is no way I can go through

life feeling this ill any more.

No matter what I do or how I try I just cannot get better. I feel that my

kids are suffering because of this stupid life I am leading. I avn't eaten

properly for days because when I swallow my throat feels like it's

closing up. I am feeling worthless and really need all the support I can



All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

30-06-05, 10:50
Hi Steno

Your expressing feelings we have all had at sometime I think.

I have spent many hours crying and worrying what my health anxiety is doing to my family, especially my children.

Even this morning I have been crying and been to see the GP AGAIN!!!

She told me to have faith in her and except that all my symptoms really are down to anxiety. The problem is I'm finding that very very difficult at the moment. I have decided that I will believe her and take her reassurance because the alternative is just too b****y awful to contemplate.

You are right to say you can't go through life feeling like you are.
Go and have a good long look in the mirror, you are a Mum and probably a fantastic one or you would'nt be so scared of how your children feel.

Have a stern word with yourself and say "No!!! I refuse to accept this. I will beat this!!! Especially with help from this site and other sources.

I'm off upstairs to try and take my own advice.

Death is very def NOT an option. Fight the fight and be determined to win and you will.

I know how difficult it is to take comfort from others success stories, but give it a go.
I will if you will, go on.

Love Jo xxx

30-06-05, 11:52

sorry your feeling so down and miseraable, its so hard to ever see the end of the tunnel

a piece of advice though that a clinical pyscologist gave me was to eat.
no matter how rough you feel. She had, in the past refused to treat anxiety patients, becuase they wouldnt eat.
this is beacuse when you are hungry, you feel sick, you tremble because of lack of sugar and you feel light headed and woozy.. symptoms similar to anxiety.
She said that how could you distinguish between have bad anxiety and the hunger if youv not eaten???
kinda made sense. so even if i was feeling so sick i thought i was going to throw up, or the lump in the throat like you, ive made myself eat.. and it really helps. Keeps your blood sugars level and decreases the anxiety.

Just an idea..
Hope your feeling better soon. xx

30-06-05, 12:04
aww im sorry how bad u feel but not eating is the worse thingu can do. when i feel bad i eat toast its light and will help with ur hungar.

i know how u feel ive been there and u will start to feel better just keep telling urself that there is nothing wrong with u and its just anxiety and it will go away but it does take time.

if u want to chat pm me im working today but ill be on tomorrow.

30-06-05, 12:26
Hi Steno,

So Sorry you are feeling so bad remember we are all here to support you.

You won't always feel this bad it just takes time patience and being kind to yourself.

If you find it hard swallowing try some soup and sip gently through a straw. Going without food wil only highten the symptoms and make you feel worse.

I hope you feel better soon sending you POSITIVE vibes.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

30-06-05, 16:13
Hi Steno,

I understand how you feel, but never give up, i feel great now better than i have in years, and i never thought it would be like that, i never thought i could get rid of the fear and anxiety, it has taken a long time, and a lot of hard work, i do still have the odd blip, but it never lasts the full day, it wasnt an over night cure, but a lot of positive thinking, and in a way self praisal, every day i say to myself im calm im happy i can do this, may sound daft but after a while you accept it,

do hope this helps a little bit

kairen x

30-06-05, 16:39

dont do it i understand how you feel and often contemplate it myself but then i think how much sadness i would cause to my sisters so think of your kids and belive me they would not be better of without you hang on in there here if you need me

my email is mins042004@hotmail.com
my username in here is leo05

if you want my moby no pm me and i will give you it

but please dont do it

you are worth everything

take care leanne

01-07-05, 07:15
Thankyou all for the fantastic advice. I ate yesterday and this morning I am feeling alot better. My throat still feels like its closing up but I think that is because I am coming down with something because when I swallow my ears hurt too.

I can see now that it was selfish of me to even contemplate death when I have got beautiful children and -well-a bit of an ok husband lol...

Thankyou again you are all ace..
Bye for now Take Care


All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

01-07-05, 09:35
Hi Steno,

so glad you feel a bit better today hold on to that feeling, keep thinking about all the good things in your life, i have one of those ok husbands too LOL, keep busy keep distracted and ignore those neg thoughts
good luck

pm me if u want to talk

take care

kairen x

01-07-05, 15:01
hey there
glad to hear that you are feeling better
i dont have husband nor boyfriend

your kids will always love you no matter what

try to stay positive

pm me if you feel like this again i am always here for you


02-07-05, 22:00
Glad its passed Steno

Don't make a permenent descision about a temporary problem ..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-07-05, 16:11
My Mum made the permanent decision to a temporary problem and left me wondering why I wasn't good enough.


04-07-05, 03:23
Hi steno

I know it is hard going at the moment.
But eating and trying to distract yourself will help.

I'm glad you are feeling a bit better.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'