View Full Version : Sorry i didn't introduce myself sooner!!

29-12-08, 15:28
I have suffered panic attacks since i was a child - i remember being a child and not being able to breathe and having terrible crying fits worrying about when my parents would die!!
I first had my real bout of Panic Disorder about 8 years ago, i was put on medication but didn't like it at all, shortly after my nan died and i decided to take some counseling as i couldn't cope, i wanted to give everything up, my degree, my job everything - the counseling fixed me up for a good long while.
Then i got married in June, i had become very anxious about a month before the wedding but i put that down to stress, i had my honeymoon and relaxed completely until i got a new job - this got me stressed again and so my anxiety kicked off until i was having daily, back to back panic attacks and constant anxiety. My doctor is very unhelpful to say the least, i assume i have panic disorder and i think i may have anxiety disorder aswell.
I have been prescribed Citalopram, 4 weeks at 10mg and the last 4 weeks at 20mg. Whilst my panic attacks appear to have been taken care of, the anxiety has not left. It's a work in progress and i think i may undertake counseling again.
My husband has been wonderful, he is so supportive and looks after me when i'm "not well" as he puts it. My family do their best but often ask "why are you having them?", simply put, i dont know why! My boss in work has been very understanding also, and i tell anyone i'm around about it - the first time my husband saw me havin a panic attack i terrified him so i'm always clear now that i'm not being rude if i leave the room suddenly!!
Anyway, that's about me, thanks for listening!!

29-12-08, 17:43
Hi Cwoz82, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :hugs:

29-12-08, 21:21
Hi Cwoz82
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

29-12-08, 22:01
Hi Cwoz82

Welcome to the site I think you will get lots of help and support on here

Take care


30-12-08, 23:04
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx