View Full Version : Can I really do it?

29-12-08, 15:33
For the past few months I have been planning to go to Australia to study for a year and live with my grandma. I really want to do it, it is the main thing keeping me going. I have just started taking escitalopram recently and am working my way up to the thereuptic dose. I am leaving in 5 weeks and am terrified about the flight. I have no idea how I am going to manage it. Then recently a famiyl member said they didn't think I was ready for it which has totally thrown me and made me feel anxious. Maybe I am not?

29-12-08, 16:22
Who knows yourself better than anyone? you do!.. not your family member or your friends.. They may have concerns for your welfare and such however, and I would think they would show some support rather than not. What does your Doctor think ?..

Personaly I feel this.... you have planned this for months.. your dream of doing this have given you strength to face each day.. it makes you feel good and has kept you positive!.. Yes it is a long ole flight!.. and not just people who suffer with panic attacks/anxiety would worry about this.. normal folk that are usually confident and self assured would feel a little daunted at doing this, especially if it was a first visit to the other side of the world!.. so please don't let this worry you too much.. this apprehension is normal!..

You know whether you are ready or not to go on this journey.. you can do this.. you can acheive your dream and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Your Doc may be able to prescribe you some light sedatives to take on the plane to help you sleep, I know a few people that do this for long hauls.. Take books.. mp3... There will be films to watch and other people onboard to chat to no doubt!.. look at this as an adventure! because that is what it is.

* hugz *