View Full Version : Feeling faint with ectopic heartbeats

29-12-08, 18:38
I had had ectopics for over 20 yrs. I have had all the tests and have had a 24hr ecg every 3 yrs for many years - my last one was 6 months ago.

I am used to the wierd feeling you get when you get that thump and sinking feeling in your chest and I can feel a bit faintish for a few seconds - my heart pounds after the flip flop and I can hear it in my ears and my eyes go a bit funny.

At moment I have viral tracheitis - just got back from Drs and told my chest is perfectly clear - I find if I have a bad cough this always makes me feel faint and I have been coughing now for over 2 weeks and everytime I have a coughing bout I feel faint.

Earlier I was talking to my husband - he said I was talking very fast and hardly pausing to take a breath when I got a giant flipflop in my chest and felt faint - rushing sound in ears - vision went funny. I put my head down and after a few seconds it went away but it was scary.

I keep getting the hard flipflop in my chest and feeling a bit faint and its scary.

I have of course diagnosed myself with viral cardiomyopathy from the viral infection I have. I feel very panicky and nervous and every few minutes I am getting the pounding heart sounds in ears and the flip flop in chest.

29-12-08, 19:38
Maybe you were anxious whilst speaking and caused yourself to hyperventilate xx