View Full Version : Not having a good morning :(

30-06-05, 10:15
Morning all,

Well, not having a very good morning today. Probably because I wasn't feeling very good in the cinema yesterday afternoon!!

To cut a long story short, I went to the movies yesterday afternoon with my gf to see batman begins. Even when I was walking there, I started to feel breathless and getting anxious cause it was raining and thundery (yes, I'm a bit scared of lighning :D)...so all that combined meant that I was starting to feel very anxious and chest and throat was tight etc with anxiety.

So when we finally reached the cinema and sat ourselves in our seats, I was breathing shallowly, hyperventilating, but I didn't get any Panic attacks...my heart was beating normal...it was only my breathing which was shallow.

I wanted every minute to go out and get fresh air ( u know how it's all dark in the cinema and the special effcts are very loud), but I kept saying give it 5 more mins, give it 5 more mins, you know it will pass.

It did, after 20 mins or so, which meant I couldn't properly concentrate on the movie during that time. Oh well, it was a good movie so I might see it again :D

And then after that, I was feeling better. It's kinda very obvious: first 20 mins I felt all tensed up, anxious, bundle of nerves, breathing shallowly and fast, and then after 25 mins, I felt my chest and throat relax, my mood increased. And i could finally enjoy the movie.

You know, I hate to be nasty to my gf when this happens cause my mood is not good then, and sometimes I might tell her something I might regret. But I keep telling her, please understand me ok, you know how I feel so I never mean to be rude. It's just that this condition makes me easily irritated and annoyed at times :(

Anyway, all through the evening yesterday I was then more or less fine to 99%. I enjoyed the rest of the day.

But this morning, I'm again a bundle of nerves. Feel anxious, tight in the chest, throat muscles tight etc lol. But I know my mind tells me it's fine, don't worry it will pass. I keep calling my gf at work cause I feel much better when I talk to someone, my gf who at least knows of my condition. She does try her best to help me.

And to be honest I'm now more relaxed as I'm writing this and after calling my gf like three times so far :D. Anyway...I'm waiting for something to come through the post, then I'll have a nap cause I feel tired and lack of sleep.

I think the thing which tensed me up this morning is I started asking myself if I'm starting to become asthmatic, cause the symptoms are a bit similar, like tight chest, tight throat muscles. But no wheezing, no difficulty sleeping (i sleep VERY well indeed :D :) ), hmm, I can walk fast, run and not feel extremely breathless (I'm an ex smoker, stopped 1 month ago so I guess it's normal for me to feel a bit breathless). But I don't know, what do people think? Just need some reassurance, then I will feel much much better about it.

Cheers all for listening to my ramblings :) Have a nice day. I might post again later.


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

30-06-05, 10:43
anyone wanna talk to me :(? feeling very tense, cant relax


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

30-06-05, 10:54
Hi Sam

We can be tense together if you like.


30-06-05, 10:55
hey sam. I'll talk to you! PM me if you want.

30-06-05, 11:01
Hey Jo, hey alton,

thanks a lot for being with me. Alton I will send you a PM now.


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

30-06-05, 13:19

That is such an encouraging experience for you.

You went, you stayed , you improved - fabulous, especially good under that dim and heavy stimulation environment of the cinema.

Todays yuk stuff is probably as a result of your thoughts and musings about ashma as you have already recognised. It is unlikely that you have developed asthma in absence of any other normnal asthmatic symptoms.

Congratulations on the stopping smoking - another brilliant step forward and you will feel more chesty as your bronchi grow cilli and your bronchioles are encouraged to release all the stale gunk in them.. Cough well.

I think its all going the right way. Well done.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

30-06-05, 13:59
hey Sam,
i had an and am having an awful time today. woke up that way, tight throat comes as soon as i think of it. lasts for ages. makes me irratable too, know how you feel. taken loads of bachs remedies today, so has helped a little, know this is cuz i am over tired. YOU AINT ALONE...

Denni x

30-06-05, 15:09
Hi Sam

Just keep with it. The wheezing and chest tightening you are experiencing is probably down to the toxins coming out of your system. I know it sucks and you feel like your getting a cold but it will get better. You may cough up black stuff but thats just part of the bodies process. Well done for quiting I know too how hard it is. It's doing you good cause your taste and smell come back.

Well done for getting through the cinema!!! That's a fab achievement.


30-06-05, 15:56
Hi Sam,,

well done in the pictures, thats great that you can control it, that is half the battle, its good that you have accepted that it will pass that is a big step, :D

your doing all the right things,

take care

kairen x

30-06-05, 20:39
Thanks a lot people. Had a nice 5 hour sleep or so, cause I didn't sleep well last night anyway. I seem a bit better now. Alton has been really supportive of me cause we've been sending each other emails in the morning. She has been of real great help as I was feeling a bit lonely :D

Now that I just woke up, I'm trying to call my gf but her phone's busy :( :) Gonna try again later. I hope I'm gonna have a quiet evening and night tonite.

Cheers all!


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

01-07-05, 10:09
Hope your feeling better this morning

kairen x

01-07-05, 17:41
Yes I felt much better this morning, thanks Kairen. Though a little bit tense at times, sometimes it's not possible to get rid of all feeling of anxiety. No Panic Attack thought, since the last very bad one that caused me to sign up on this forum. So that's a good sign I suppose. Only feelings of breathlessness, anxiety and tight throat. But I guess these bits take more time to manage and control and finally,. put to rest.


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

02-07-05, 20:24

You know that feelings of breathlessness, anxiety and tight throat will not harm you. You are thinking way beyond the actual feelings and imagining what the worst possible outcome might - but won't be .

Keep it factual and keep it rational

You're doing well - well done .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...