View Full Version : Panic Attacks?

29-12-08, 19:40
hi there
for the last 5-6 years i have been having little 'episodes' i guess u could call them. a couple of times a year for no apparent reason i suddenly feel really ill. i feel dizzy, nauseous and get a freezing cold sweat all over. this lasts a few minutes and i often start to hyperventilate. Except for one or two times, this has ended in me totally losing conciousness - witnesses say for a couple of minutes. when i come round i feel totally normal again within about half an hour. this tends to happen just at home or at a friends house, never when i am in an uncomfortable position. my dad mentioned that it could be panic attacks but ive never heard of anyone actually losing conciousness during a panic attack? also the situations i am in are never one where id be likely to panic. any ideas?

30-12-08, 01:40
Hi Amy


I have suffered from these to. They started bout 5 years ago and would happen just a couple of times through the year.

In april this year, i had another one but this time it was more severe and i ended up hyperventilating. It lasted about half hour in total and i was totally panicked.I thought i was gonna die.

This was the start of the proper panic attacks and iv had lots more since.

I have suffered health anxiety for bout 5 years. My doctor has told me its anxiety and panic disorder but i find it hard to beleive.

Have you been to your doctor?

Are you feeling anxious about anything?

love mandie x

30-12-08, 02:33
hi mandie
thanks for replying
yeah ive been to the docs several times over the past few years. had blood tests and an ECG but they have never picked up anything untoward. i was told by the doctor that it just happens and its probably my age. hmm....
i do worry about things in my life but they are never the forefront of my mind when the attacks occur which is what i find strange. i have also just been diagnosed with depression.
sorry to hear that yours have got worse, its a horrible feeling.
thanks again

30-12-08, 17:15

When my attacks occur sometimes, i am feeling ok and not panicky and then i wonder why im getting them.

Deep down i no there are things going around in my head and that i am worrying inwardly, hence the panic attacks

Depression and anxiety are common together, so maybe it is panic you are suffering from.

Are u taking anything for the depression

mandie x