View Full Version : Tips - Sleeping with heightened anxiety

29-12-08, 21:54
I am almost in a state of trauma with business problems. Have been on Citalopram for 3 weeks but cant sleep for long. Waking almost hourly and its horrific!

Have been taking Nigtol 1 a night which sometimes works for 3-4 hours but not always. I dread going to bed.

Any tips please???

29-12-08, 22:15
I guess the best tip(s) would be that, if you happen to be much younger than I am (I'm 53), I can give my life experience to say that whatever business situation you happen to find yourself in at present, that it will all be just a memory one day. That may not help 100% for the moment, but if you take it to heart (literally) it should help to slowly ease your tension and suffering.

Trust me, I've been there, done that world-wide and have had my own share of life's up and downs. Here's the best part:

Be thankful for your downs. Yes, that's right. Be thankful for them. Because you will learn some very, very valuable lessons. Those lessons will stay with you for the rest of your life, and you will navigate troubled waters in the future better than the rest.

Those that have not had troubles, will sink from the lack of the life experience that you are getting now.

This will make you stronger and wiser.

So take a good, hot shower and get a good nights' sleep.

29-12-08, 22:22
Thank you for that. I am also 53. I am not at all thankful for the down at present. Probably the worst 3 weeks of my life! I very much look forward to it as a memory and hope it turns out alright!

29-12-08, 22:28
Hi Mark

I really sympathise. I had the same, I used nitol too. I used to wake after 3 hours and feel even more tierd.I also used to suffer from hypnic jerks when ever I started to drift off. In my opinion what worked for me was:-

Time, dont rush it.
Change the time dramatically when you retire to bed, each night.
Have a cup of hot milk. ( sounds daft but it helps)
Dont try to go to bed.
Fall asleep in front of the telly, it works for me.
Read when you cant sleep. I find Claire weeks works.
Move on to fiction.
A couple of brandys helped also but dont make a habit.

I found once my body realised that there was no threat in sleeping I could not stay awake. It took me 1 month to start sleeping reasonably again.

Hope this helps some


29-12-08, 22:29
I am not at all thankful for the down at present.

That's understandable. I don't think that I would be either. But hopefully you will find something about it to be thankful about. I did, and it never, ever happened again. I wish you the best.