View Full Version : Tremors

Katy W
29-12-08, 23:21
Hi, my name is Katy and for the past few months I've been experiencing slight tremors through my body which lasts for about a minute, it doesn't happen all the time but its usually whenever I've been lying down. I am absolutely terrified and have just had a panic attack about it, thinking I've got something like MS or some serious neurological condition, I am so scared and so think will go to the doctors tomorrow but scared what they're going to say. I wish I didn't get so wound up about things that is most likely nothing, it really does ruin your life because if its not this its something else.
Has anyone else had a similar thing?

From a worried Kate

29-12-08, 23:56
Hi Katy, i just wanted to post to say that i know how you feel, i get very small episodes of tremors from time to time - ironically i get them when i am feeling ok - sometimes i can be watchign tv or reading a book and i get a fluttery butterfly feeling that starts in my chest and works up to my throat - it only lasts a second or two and during that time my heart rate and pulse are ok. But of course when that happens my panic attack radar is heightened and i struggle to talk myself out of it.

This might sound stupid but i often wonder if this feeling is like an adrenaline surge.........as in subconsciously my body is preparing to be attacked when there is no rhyme or reason to it - as i said it sounds daft. I do know that within seconds, a minute or most i feel fine as long as i dont get stressed about it. I just try to say to myself you are ok, you are breathing through it and its just a little reminder i guess that my anxiety is always never more than a step away.

Try and relax hunni and stop worrying, i know its easier said than done but you are , i'm sure, in no physical danger xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-12-08, 00:34
You ladies wouldnt be suffering from peri menopause would you? also, have a look at a site called power surge, just google it. Many women with peri, experience inner tremours .

Katy W
31-12-08, 09:30
Thank you for your advice, I had tremors alot more last night, whenever I woke up in the night my body was shaking for about 15 seconds, really weird, tried beta blockers to see if that helped and it didn't. I'm going to see my GP on Monday. Its really annoying because I was just getting back on my feet in terms of not feeling panicky all the time and now I'm back to square one, feeling sick in the mornings, tearful, attacks - just one little thing knocks me right down. I'll be alright once I know that its nothing serious :-)