View Full Version : headaches

30-12-08, 02:52
hey, i'm geting a lot of headaches recently (almost everyday) and i'm terrified i have a brian tumour. is this normal? anyone else suffer with headaches all the time. i tend to get a shrap pain in one side of forehead and pains around eyes and in face. i also get quite a lot of migrains. this has to be serious doesn't it? i mean if you get this many headaches, it must be a brain tumour. can anyone relate? any advice/reassurance?
please reply ASAP
Many Thanks
Louise XXXXXx

31-12-08, 11:52
i can relate.. i have some posts very similar to this..i suffer with migraines 2..not often but when i do they make me sick..as for the headaches everyday i am going through the same thing at the moment..i use to worry alot about it but now i know its just anxiety and tension..im not a fan of taking paracetamol.( i just recently convinced myself that there ok to take) but i dont like taking 1 everyday so i bought some 4head for my headaches and shooting pains..it works a treat :) ...feel free to message me hun if u need a chat ..try not to worry though!! xxx

31-12-08, 12:11
I dont know if this is much help - I hope it will be - I did have a pituarity tumor that bled and I had NO headaches beforehand and only a tiny one when it happened - didnt even take Paracetemol
In my various hospital stays the Doctors and Nurses told me that headaches with a brain tumor do not always go hand in hand by any means
Hope this helps a little bit

Mark x

31-12-08, 12:28
Hey Louise,

Headaches can be worrying if you are a natuarally anxious person.
Most headaches turn out to be just that...Headaches nothing more sinister.

It is always sensible to get checked out by your GP with anything that worries you..
They will be able to put your mind at rest about it.

I get stabbing head pains all the time and occassionally bad headaches.
I got sent for an MRI because i virtually insisted on it and it came back negative just like my GP and neorologist told me.

By attaching the brain tumour worry to them you are feeding your anxiety and that will make them worse.
Try not to stress abot them if you can cos that just adds to the problem
Hope you feel better soon.