View Full Version : I have a symptom and obviously i'm gonna die of an appendicitis(sp?)

30-12-08, 03:26
Is this weird? Has anyone else had a fear of an appendix rupture? I'm having the pain on my lower right side but is it appendix or panic??? Can you talk yourself into a bad pain like that? I have had the pain before but i'm just worried one of these times my husband is gonna write it off as anxiety and my appendix will rupture and i'll die:weep:

30-12-08, 03:45
it may just be a cramp i tend to get cramps there too, but it might just have to do with your period ( if you are a female of course i couldnt tell by your user name)... dont worry YOU WILL NOT DIE FROM THIS.. if it is that bothersome u should ask your doc...and if you tend to focus on that one pain it does seem to get worse than it actually is... so try not to focus on it so much..i know easier said than done .. i always focus on health issues and totally blow them out of porportion...but just TRY to distract yourself it will pay off and i bet the pain will be no more

30-12-08, 06:57
I have had these cramps more than once. The first time it ever happened, I did go to the hospital to find that I had an ovarian cyst. They came randomly at other times but I eased my mind by telling myself that the last time it happened it wasn't appendicitis so I'd be fine. Even recently I was having days of side pain but it was accompanied by diarrhea and constipation alternating. The doctor felt all in the area I was having the pain and he didn't feel anything so he suggested IBS and put me on some medicationf or it. It went away. I don't know if it was the relief of knowing that it was nothing or the actual pill but someone told me during that time, "If you had appendicitis, you would know it because you'd be rolling around on the floor in so much pain you wouldn't know what to do." I don't know how true that is, but it made me feel better. I hope you feel better, hun :bighug1: .

30-12-08, 17:58
I'm ashamed to say that I actually get appendicitis at least once a week, also menningitis every time I get a headache, bloodclots in the leg (I did actually really have one of those a couple of years ago!) and also am about to have a heart attack every time I get a missed beat.
Not funny is it, although I did smile to myself writing this. I do try to see the funny side of it but at the time it is terrifying.
ps today I had twinges in my stomach and spent all day at work thinking I had an ulcer!! I've worked out since it was the fry up I had in the staff canteen cos it's gone now!!
Best wishes to you all x x

30-12-08, 18:13
If you had appendicitis you would be in quite a lot of pain, you would also have other symptoms too like possibly a fever and vomiting. With appendicitis you get what they call "rebound pain" which means that when you press where the pain is the pain actually feels worse as you take you hand away. Also when laying down it can be painful to lift the right leg if your appendix is playing up.

Boos Mum
30-12-08, 21:30
If you had appendicitis you would be in quite a lot of pain, you would also have other symptoms too like possibly a fever and vomiting. With appendicitis you get what they call "rebound pain" which means that when you press where the pain is the pain actually feels worse as you take you hand away. Also when laying down it can be painful to lift the right leg if your appendix is playing up.

Lyn is right ;)

30-12-08, 22:42
Hi and i hope your pains eased now.
I had my appendix out when i was 19 and the pain is honestly sooo acute its unbearable. Mine started at my left side...then travelled to my belly button and i couldnt even stand up straight it was agony...nearly as bad as childbirth..lol. Have a word with nhs direct or your gp if your still worried and he can examine you and he'll be able to tell if its appendix as its tender to touch in the right places.
I hope your feeling better very soon xx