View Full Version : Esophageal Spasms?? I'm So Scared!

30-12-08, 06:53
I was wondering if anyone has ever had these. I posted the other day about feeling flu-like and the feeling of being strangled. Well the flu-like symptoms have passed but yesterday I had my worst day of this spasm going on from my neck to my chest. It felt kind of like one big cramp, but not as painful as a cramp...just like a tightness but I could tell the feeling in the neck and chest were connected. Hard to explain. Anyway, yesterday I was at my wits end because I had awful chest pain and thought I was having a heart attack. I spent the day with my mom and stayed at the parents house and woke up today with absolutely no sign of tightness or spasming in the neck, throat, or chest.

So do you guys think that it is anxiety related? I'm terrified that I have esophageal cancer because my grandfather died from it. However, he was 70 and I'm 24. But cancer symptoms don't come and go, right?

The pharmacist also mentioned today that it could be from me weaning off of my anti-spasmodic. I would just like to hear your thoughts on this...I'm barely eating because I'm terrified of my own esophagus now. My doctor is sick so I probably won't be able to see him until the end of the week now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

30-12-08, 06:56
I am sure it is not cancer, i get a painful neck with my acid reflux, go see your doc at the end of the week and try not too worry, easier said than done i know.x

30-12-08, 07:01
I'm going to hop on the chat in case you want to talk...I know you are stressed about your procedure today and I'm stressed too!