View Full Version : fear of dying young and leaving my children behind

30-12-08, 07:05
I am new one here, thank you for allowing me be a part of the forum.

My mom died of cancer at the age of 40, I was 11 moths then. Now I am 40, have three small children; 5, 4 and 2 1/2 and live with a paralizing fear of dying and leaving my children without mother.

Even though, being 11 months old, I don't consciously remember the pain after my mom died, but it has been somehow recorded in my body, my cells, my DNA and I know it is the last thing I would ever want for my kids to experiance.

This fear of dying (I don't care to live for my sake and God knows that) and leaving my kids behind is so huge at times that it paralizes my life.

Any suggestions how I could overcome and free myself from this fear?

Thank you so much for your time.

30-12-08, 07:24
Oh you poor soul, I worry about dying and leaving my kids too, I am poorly at the moment and fearing the worst. I try to live each day the best I can but my anxiety does get the better of me and when its really bad I get some diazepam from docs for a few days it usually helps even me out.

Boos Mum
30-12-08, 10:17
this is why my palps bother me to much :(

I know how you feel, the idea of them without a Mum is too much

Natural Mystic
30-12-08, 11:06
This, too, is my biggest fear. I have a 7 year old boy and we live alone.

I have been suffering from panic/anxiety since January (though due to childhood abuse think it's been coming for years) after a skin cancer diagnosis. Although I think I've dealt with the attacks really well I'm now left with ectopics and severe insomnia.

My son is not in touch with his "fathers" side at all (not my doing) and I fear so so much for him. I fear for him being without a father. I fear for him being alone too much (an only child). I fear for him being without me.

I fear that I am just not enough for him.

All of my fears revolve around my son and I have even had thoughts that because I'm not enough for him that I should have him adopted. Something that my sane mind tells me is the worst thing to do, for him.

Having a bad day today, sorry for rant.

30-12-08, 17:47
I fear all the same things and have for years.

I fear all cancers brain tumours and have a different disease as soon as one is proved not to be there.

I so wish I could get to a good place wth this.

A friend of mine has started a health anxiety website as he is now just starting to get a handle on his. It is not as good as this one,nothing like it. He just wanted to get his thoughts on the web.
It is very basic just now but he is really passionate about conquering it.

www.healthanxietyhelp.co.uk (http://www.healthanxietyhelp.co.uk)

30-12-08, 21:52
I too worry about this all the time..i am currently pregnant with my 3rd child i have one at 6yrs and one at 11months..it terrifies me the thought of them being left without me.
We only have my side of family nearby as there dads family live in america. I just worry about this a lot.

30-12-08, 22:41

I believe that anxiety sufferers tend to be healthier individuals. We are in tune with our feelings and know how to tackle situations and achieve positive results. If we have concerns, we seek support from experts and forums such as this. It all contributes to a better understanding and realisation of the fact that we will live long, healthy and happy lives.