View Full Version : Anxiety Management

30-12-08, 12:45
Hi all, I hope everyone had a half decent xmas and hopefully we will all be getting better in 2009. Just got back from the docs, after complaining about my usual headaches and dizzyness, ear problems and such, hoping she was going to up the dose of my Citalopram after having a bad panic attack last Saturday. Instead she is referring me to our local psych clinic for I think she said 'anxiety management'. Has anybody been to this before and can tell me what happens during the session and also is this the same as CBT? Any answers would be great, cheers.

Hereford Al
30-12-08, 15:37
I did a "Stress and Mood Management" course for one night a week over 6 weeks back in the Summer when I was first ill. I found it very eye opening but at the same time found it difficult to put it into practice what I had learnt.

Mine was a group session, is yours?

30-12-08, 19:48
I am getting counceling but have only gone once so far. I am interested to hear what anxiety management classes can do to help stop the anxiety before it starts. My councelor is giving me meditation CDs to try when I go to see her today. I would take advantage of the classes on anxiety management. I think knowledge of any kind on anxiety will help. Good Luck!