View Full Version : Hi im new, Fear of sick is ruining my life.

30-12-08, 13:16
Hello, firstly, ive just joined this forum so this may not be the right place to post, im not really sure - so i posted this SAME post in multiple forum sections, just deleate the wrong ones please. Thanks.:)

About me::blush:
Im a 15 years old boy and ive suffered from the fear of being sick for as long as i remember, my parents say it was because of a bad experiance in primary school but i cant remember it at all.
Every day i suffer from this feeling, even if im just sitting at home by myself i feel dreadfully sick (even now), i know im not seriosly ill because i have had many blood tests and im a very healthy boy. I havnt been sick sinse i was about 7. (9 years ago).

Knowing that im not seriosly ill helps for about a day, but then in that time i feel that i could have developed something very seriosly wrong, theres no genetic illness in the family that i know of. Sometimes i will literally start gagging for no reason, im scared to go to school in case im sick and this is a constant struggle.

Current help::weep:
Well im not having any theropy lessons, id even feel sick going to them, but i do try some other remedys. When i get the feeling to be sick i would take i peppermint sweet, this sooths and takes away the feeling, but it soon comes back. Another thing is i take around a pair of "Sea bands" everywhere i go, school, town everywhere. They are a pair of wrist bands which stop you being sick physically, that help, but the second i take these bands off i feel sick. Its not just a little feeling, urges to throw up, even sometimes i WANT to be sick because i feel that if i am sick, it may help cure me, but i cant be sick.

What i want::D
Obviously this is taking over my life, i cant go and meet my friends because of a constant fear, i havnt told any of my friends because i will just be lauphed at. For a while this went away, about 3 years, i was independant and could go on school trips to other countrys, now i cant even go out the house. It all came back when i got a stomach bug - i wasnt sick, it still came back.

I want change in my life, i want to have this burden lifted asap because i need to start living and not worrying, every day at school im shaking and its not because i dont eat, i do, im 6 foot and weigh about 9 1/2 stone.

If ANYONE can offer any help that would be great, im trying to cure myself online, if that doesnt work i will turn to theropy i think, if anyone can talk to me i have MSN, rockingitoutallnight@hotmail.co.uk.

Please help, Thanks!

30-12-08, 14:51
I have every sympathy for you. Although I do not suffer this myself I do suffer fear and anxiety. I think it can help just to know that people understand you and experience similar things. U never know u may meet someone on here who you can relate to more. Good luck :)

30-12-08, 15:04
Hi Panda
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

30-12-08, 15:11
Im just looking fo some quick help :)

Thanks everyone.

30-12-08, 16:06
pandax you will gwt lots of support here you could also check out www.healthanxietyhelp.co.uk

30-12-08, 16:28
Thanks :)

30-12-08, 20:28
:welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.

30-12-08, 22:58
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

30-12-08, 23:11
Ye i will be doing chat, im hoping even this site will act as a sort or theropy, just by talking to people about it.

However due to rules i cant join chat for 5 days.
