View Full Version : Spending too much money - does anyone else do this when low?

30-12-08, 14:49
I'm really aahamed of admitting this but i spend too much money when i'm low. I'm not talking hundreds of pounds of debt but i know my spending gets out of control.

So many areas of my life are out of control. I long for nice thing and end up buying things. I know i should stop and keep trying to - i'm ok for a while then something will kick off again and the cycle starts again.

I get so frustrated with myself and so low that i'm not doing better than i am. I've got a reassessment with a new psychiatrist coming up soon and have had to write down all the issues for that - the list is so long it just depressed me more.

I feel guilty for spending money, I worry about money (and always have done) and know I shouldn't spend anything but it's something i cant seem to stop now. The internet makes it too easy - not an excuse i know but i spend a lot of time at home alone.

The new year is about to start - I'm thankful to be rid of this year because it's been so horrendous but i dont feel ny better about going into 2009.

Would love to hear from others who have or have had the same problem.


30-12-08, 15:03
*rasies hand* Yup, been there...spent that ! Some years back I would often buy myself "presents" to cheer myself up. Spending money I didn't really have didn't matter until AFTER I had bought something, and then it made me feel worse. "new stuff" would distract me - but only briefly.
My advice: get rid of the credit card for the time being... save up for something -ANYTHING - as a small treat for yourself that you genuinely CAN enjoy without guilt - it's a much better feeling!

Hereford Al
30-12-08, 15:11
I sometimes buy things on impulse when I am "not with it" and then regret it afterwards. Nothing major - A pair of jeans, a new shirt, etc.

30-12-08, 15:16
My worst one was a car...

Reckless spending is quite a common symtom of BiPolar Disorder as well isn't it?

30-12-08, 15:20
mine tends to be small things like clothes...... in fact mainly clothes.

MY money worries prevent me from spending large amounts.
Am ashamed of it if i'm honest.

30-12-08, 15:23
Hi Ellie

I have the spending too much issue, not when feeling low, but when I am high (I have Bipolar). My spending can get out of control, I end up buying things for other people for some reason. I am agoraphobic so buy things online.

Now when I am like this my hubby takes my credit card from me until he thinks I can cope without spending like I have won the Lotto! Notator is right, try to set yourself a goal of saving for something you really want

30-12-08, 15:25
LOL Notator - you must have been posting around the time I was, stating I had Bipolar xxx

30-12-08, 15:46
My wife is on record stating that she prefers my manic downs to my ups - I'm cheaper to run, less demanding and tend to sit quietly where-ever I was put.

30-12-08, 17:34

I do it a bit as well but not huge amounts of money. I get loads of pleasure from buying - even though I hate being in large stores I still love treating myself to cosmetics and the like, well anything really lol. I also get immense pleasure from surfing the old net for bargains. You can get so many good deals on the net and I just go from website to website and I love it. I do know how far to go though and never spend huge amounts of money.

With us depressed types - anything which makes us feel better is grabbed onto - that's how I see it. Also boredom comes into it for me.

Take care all.
Sam I may look at you on Facebook and add you as a mate, my daughter has bloominwell stuck me on there so I pop in and out of there just to nose at other people's lives.

30-12-08, 17:58
My hubby says the same Notator .... much less maintenance when down rather than climbing the walls with my hubbys underpants on my head!

30-12-08, 18:10

I only overspent once in my life and it was due to a reaction to medication! I would purchase things (makeup, clothes, appliances) advertised on the t.v. on those programs that run 24 hours that sell just about everything. I swear I would not even remember what I had bought until the boxes would arrive. Most of the things I would then return and have to mail back, quite a pain. We finally figured out it was due to the medication because it was such a difference to my usual personality. I would look at the t.v. with my eyes glazed over, everything looked wonderful to me, lol.

Laura xxx

30-12-08, 18:25
Hi Ellie,

I am the same. It is a vicious cycle really, I buy something because I feel down but then I just feel guilty I have spent the money and it doesn't really help me in the end:weep: I suppose I just feel like if I have nice clothes and things I will feel better in myself....doesn't usually work!

I know exactly how you feel:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:xx

01-01-09, 08:53

Yes i have the overspending problem too. like others have said, it's great at the time but then there's the guilt afterwards :shrug:

Sucks huh?!

01-01-09, 10:20
Happy New Year to everyone....

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has this problem!
The urges are there most days - I hate it because I know in reality that buying things only makes me more unhappy rather than having a postive effect.
I did take a pair of shoes back yesterday which made me feel a tiny bit better.

Perhaps New YEar new start.....?! I sure hope so. The year's not started brilliantly because I'm feeling really rubbish today - and it's not because of a hangover!
