View Full Version : anybody help?

celia davies
30-12-08, 17:37
:wacko: I keep having tremmer in my legs an bac well think its there i keep shakin cant feel where its comin from im not even panicing but this keeps happening and its also really annoyed its making me feel a little weird aswel
like my actions am a bit more slowed can any1 help wiv this cause its worrying me now

30-12-08, 19:00
Sounds like anxiety, celia. Even though you don't feel anxious, you are clearly worried about the leg tremble and the slow actions thing. The sense of your actions being slower than usual sounds like it might be a touch of depersonalization.

I get a tremble in my hands, especially the little finger of the left hand, at times. It's usually AFTER I've been feeling anxious or panicky. So I'm going "why is it trembling now? I'm not anxious now?" but actually 1) My previous anxiety may have left me with a few anxiety symptoms - all that adrenaline and cortisol doesn't just disappear immediately and 2) I am still anxious even though I don't conciously feel it.

I know it's hard, but try to ignore it for a few days and you might find that it sorts itself out.

celia davies
30-12-08, 19:14
Thanku i jst needed 2 know that this happened 2 some1 else xx

30-12-08, 20:24

I agree with leebee. Even though you don't feel anxious you can still have the physical symptoms of it. If you then focus on them it can make it seem worse.