View Full Version : Just got my diagnosis back...

30-12-08, 18:21
They've finally diagnosed me with having panic disorder and agoraphobia. x.x Talk about no fun. But I guess now I know for sure what it is, and don't have to worry about it being a hidden health concern or something, for surely, they'd know the symptoms and how to diagnose someone correctly. My mind is still reeling, somewhat. But I guess I knew it wasn't panic attacks, because I was having them everyday, so now, it's either meds or CBT. Not sure what direction to go in yet.

What's worked best for people with these? Any ideas? My main problem is the trouble breathing thing. x.x

30-12-08, 18:57
Hi Magik

For myself being diagnosed with my problems was the first stepping stones to realise what I had and how to begin to try to move forward.

I think it would be best to start with CBT first and see how you go with that before you think about taking meds.

Wishing you luck

30-12-08, 19:20
Thanks for your well wishes, Sunshine. It is Scary and daunting. considering this all just came out of nowhere. But talking to my husband, he said I was slowly becoming afraid of things more over the years. Little by little. Maybe if I had noticed it sooner, I could have tried to prevent it.

Little things like not going on Carnival rides anymore. Or before, I'd be afraid of going on an airplane, but now, there's no way I'm getting on one. Thankfully, it isn't so bad I can't go shopping yet, but I noticed I need to take a xanax most times before I go into the car to get there. So, if I don't get a handle on it soon, it might get worse. Now that's something else to worry about. Eesh.

I'll see about CBT, although, I was prescribed Zoloft, now I need to get over my fear of the side effects and the medicine itself. I just want to get better. Finding the way there, seems to be the hard part of it all, aye? Thanks again.

30-12-08, 19:56
Glad to hear you're on the way to being sorted out .

Just wondered tho - what's the difference between panic attacks and panic disorder ?


30-12-08, 20:19
Well, I didn't ask my doctor nor read up on it really yet, cause reading tends to make me worse off, Panic disorder I'm thinking is more the fact it's there constantly, or alot more. Panic attacks, come and go in waves, whereas my problem lies with the fact, when they come, if I don't take anything for em, it lasts hours.

But in no way, am I suggesting panic attacks sufferers are less going through stuff x.x Believe me, I know how bad everything is. Mine seems like it's there from the moment I get up till the time I go to sleep, which is getting hard to do even that without problems x.x And the Agoraphobia, I'm thinking, is in its beginning stages. From what I have read, on this site, people get panic attacks and within a year, it can develop into Agoraphobia if not treated. So I guess Mine went too long x.x I just got diagnosed with it, heck, my therapist hadn't even told me..I called cause my gp wanted me to go see a psychiatrist..and here, she'd already diagnosed me, so today, I'm kinda worried and feeling blah. x.x

Best thing is to look it up, and maybe I'll get around to it, I'm just too scared to, cause I know, the way my mind works, I'll make it ten times worse anxiety wise. Or if anyone knows, can they post it? xx I think if I read it now, I'd cry, but if I don't, I might not come to terms with this. BAH!

30-12-08, 20:33
Yea that makes sense and I'm sorry I asked, didn't mean to upset you.

Good luck with your recovery.

Best wishes,

30-12-08, 20:55
Decca, you didn't upset me hon :bighug1:

Just wanted to try to tell people what I thought it was, but I do think I should read up on it, just hate the fact it's like a catalyst for making it all worse. You read something you don't like, and this, now, knowing I have it, is going to bring on an attack more than likely. But I feel if I don't try to read it and understand, that I'm not going to get better. Double sided sword in my opinion and a really bad analogy xD

Either, I read up on it and understand it, even if I get abit upset. Or I stay in the dark, take my meds ((which I haven't yet cause I'm still scared I'll have problems with them)) and stay in the dark, and wind up driving myself "Crazy" With feeling the need to know. I believe there is a section somewhere on NMP which does describe the differences, so I'm going to look for that now. Hopefully it'll help.

Thanks again, I wish you lots of well wishes and luck also, hon Take care,


30-12-08, 21:02
That's ok then ,glad I didn't upset you.
Take care.
Hope you have a good new year.
