View Full Version : Hello this is my story

30-12-08, 18:51
I first posted this in Novemeber but didnt see this bit where you introduce yourself :blush:

Anxiety only really started couple of months ago although I have always been what I call a worrier. Im just wondering if I may have developed IBS or if it is Anxiety Bowels??

I had stomach bug weeks ago and cause I was going to the loo 3-4-5 times a day I convinced myself I had BC which of course my my bowels worse so was going to toilet 3-4 times a day for 3 weeks (soft loose stools) Anxiety really started there, (my Dad passed away from BC nearly 4 years ago)

Anyway went to Doctors, my doc is lovely he didnt think there was anything to worry about but said we will do an FOB test (faecal occult blood test) to stop me worrying. Well I had to wait a week for results and it sent me off the scales!! I had been to docs every week for 4 weeks so he could see how I was getting worse with worry. The test came back fine as he said he thought it would but by this time I think I had finally pushed worrying one step too far and just broke down crying. He gave me buscopan to relax my stomach muscles and Citalopram 10mg. He basically told me that when I worry it goes straight to my stomach so Its the old saying of Sh**ting yourself! I asked him if I had IBS or Anxiety Bowels he said yes to Anxiety bowels but is that kinda what IBS is?? Anyway when I got home It finally sunk in that the test came back fine and didnt so to the toilet for the rest of that day and didnt go at all the following day. I take the buscopan if I have stomach gurgling and tummy ache etc. but I havnt taken the Citalopram, Ive been ok ish with bowel movements since but then 2 days ago I started with aches & pains, mainly back & legs but neck shoulders and arms sometimes. I started to worry what was wrong and low and behold I went 4 times that morning!! Only went twice yesterday as I am trying to calm myself, I find coming on this site helps.

My symptoms are:

Aaches & pains (my god I ache so much at the moment)
Visits from the Squit Monster (soft loose bowel movements)
Horrid thoughts about whats wrong with me
Burping (my goodness I didnt think I could burp that loud)!!
Tired (all this worrying lark is like having another fulltime job)!!
Stomach gurgling
Worry about what my bowel movements are going to be like for that day.

Another question, even when I think Im ok can my body still be in anxiety mode? Its so hard to belive that you can have all these pysical symptoms.

My worst sypmtom at the moment is the aching, lower back, hips, groin thighs and knees.

Sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it.


30-12-08, 19:26
Thanks Tetley, its amazing what the pysical symptoms of anxiety can do isnt it. I am glad I found this site :)


30-12-08, 19:58
Hi Annie

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

30-12-08, 20:22
Hiya Annie, welcome to NMP its great to have you here.

30-12-08, 22:59
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx