View Full Version : chest/arm pains

30-12-08, 19:10
just been the doctors to ask if my chest and arm pains were related to axiety, she asked me loads of questions and shes got me an appointment to have a heart scan called cardioligy or something and im REALLY worrying she said it could be anxiety or not. and if they start to get worse then ring an ambulance straight away. which was SO NOT the right thing to say to me, because when i get it now all im guna do is panic even more and wana ring an ambulance. ive got home now and ive just broke down because ive really had enough. i just want someone to talk to with the same problems and who understands. is there anyone out there? maybe with the same problems? or someone who can just reasure me. :weep:

30-12-08, 19:46
Sorry you've having a lousy time, Jobear. If your doctor was really concerned she would have sent you straight to hospital. When is your cardiologist's appointment? I guess your doctor checked all the usual stuff - blood pressure, heart rate, general health - did she say whether she thought there was a problem? She may be just reassuring herself and you with the cardiologist's consultation - she may not have found any problems in her examination of you but just wants to be sure.

I know it's hard but try to relax as being tense and upset will make you feel worse. What do the pains feel like? Aching or throbbing or stabbing pain or like a crushing sensation? Are you able to get your breath OK?

30-12-08, 20:00
well ive had high bp for a while, been on tabs cuz i had it while i was preg and sinse ive had her its got worse, she did it today it was round 85/88 at the bottom and im on high med so it stil shunt be that high. she listened in and said it sounds ok, i had an ECG not long ago which they said was fine and had blood tests and they havnt found anything. but they dont know if i had high bp before i was preg. but theres no family history of it and im only 19! so it could go either way.

my appointments on the 20th of this month and i really dont wana wait that long because its just going to be playing on my mind till then
she didnt say there was a problem as such just that it could be axiety or not.
i have been breathless also i was quite bad at one point but seem to be ok now. and the pains just like an ache you would get in your arm or something it has been sharp/stabbing occasionally.
i think she wants to send me there as well because of my high bp just to make sure my hearts not the prob.

30-12-08, 20:04

I agree with the previous post, if your doctor was really concerned then you would have been sent straight to hospital. This is just a routine check up that they have to do. Many people on this site have been through this (myself included) and it turns out to be anxiety related.

30-12-08, 20:11
I think you're right, jobear, she's probably trying to get to the bottom of the high diastolic on your bp - which isn't hugely high, by the sounds of it, just a bit over normal which is 60-79. My diastolic has been up to 87 when I've been anxious and/or ill.

Pains related to heart function are usually a feeling of crushing and heaviness and are accompanied by other symptoms like breathlessness, sweating or dizziness. I've had breathlessness and tightness in my chest which I was convinced were my heart but were caused by anxiety.

I know it's really hard but try distraction or relaxation methods to get the muscles in your chest to relax. Slow breaths (count in slowly for 6 and out for 6) can help.

30-12-08, 20:44
you cant help but think the worse though can you!

30-12-08, 20:55
Absolutely :hugs:.