View Full Version : Ache's and Pain's! Help!

30-06-05, 17:11
Yesturday I had a really good day, I got up and did some of my cleaning (of which I had really let slide lately,oops!), played with the kids and even laughed for the first time in weeks. Yet today I feel like my head is about to explode, I have pressure at the front and the back also my muscles are aching all over! The pains in my chest are begining to concern me as I they are like I am being stabbed! I feel like I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep!

Why was I feeling so good yesterday and so bad today? Did I maybe over do it?

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

30-06-05, 17:41
I always feel bad the next day after doing a lot the previous day extreme tiredness and awful pain all over. I also hurt at the end of the day if its been a hyper day or if i have acheived ( i am agoraphobic) i get awful pain in every joint of my body i have to sit with a water bottle which always helps. So yes you probably did over do it. You have to learn to pace yourself ( so i'm constantly being told)

Barb x