View Full Version : So Worried Cant Relax

30-12-08, 21:06
just sat here convinced myself i am going to die dont no what to do . i say this because i am in my forties i smoke so that must mean i am going to have a heart attack any minuite . i am going to have a go at giving up in the new year but i dont know if this will make my panic and ha worse because i suffer badly with it now . ijust dont know what to do to make myself feel better .i dont get any real support at home except from my son who always asks if i am ok bless him .i do a fairly physical job and am always scared i am going to over do it

30-12-08, 22:09
Please try not to think that way. Just because you are in your fourties and smoke does not mean you will have a heart attack. It is all about taking small steps in the right direction and positive thinking. The fact that you are thinking about giving up smoking in the new year is a step in the right direction. Things will only get better for you.

30-12-08, 22:38
thanks for the reply utility i just start feeling really down now and then i have mild depression and the bad thoughts take over but it does worry me alot

30-12-08, 23:27
please try not to worry, we all have our vices, and I'm sure that by doing a physical job you are getting a balance and are maintaining a good level of fitness, my mum smokes she started when she was 14 she will be 80 next year and is very well!! I know its not ideal to endorse smoking as such, but its the truth

30-12-08, 23:38
I'm the same way with the smoking thing. But I've noticed, when I'm having an attack, I can't smoke, it makes it THAT much worse. But as for actually quitting smoking, it's been a goal of mine, but with the anxiety and stress, it really is a struggle to think of giving it up, cause mentally, we believe it relaxes us, but in truth, it works us up more. x.x

*hugs* But nah, hang in there. I've had days like this too, having one sort of now, just gotta bear with it and know tomorrow will be here and so will you. <3

30-12-08, 23:46
just sat here convinced myself i am going to die dont no what to do . i say this because i am in my forties i smoke so that must mean i am going to have a heart attack any minuite . i am going to have a go at giving up in the new year but i dont know if this will make my panic and ha worse because i suffer badly with it now . ijust dont know what to do to make myself feel better .i dont get any real support at home except from my son who always asks if i am ok bless him .i do a fairly physical job and am always scared i am going to over do it

I quit by reading a book, sounds daft but it works and it works for a lot of people.

One thing that has stuck with me that i read that smoking actually doesn't calm you like you think it does, it actually makes your heart work harder, raises blood pressure etc and actually makes you anxious!

You just need to want to do it or you wont finish the book, it actually says a lot of people will only read halfway then stop!

It encourages you to smoke while reading and i did so happily and after my last cigarette at the end i never touched one again!

I know this kind of thing doesn't work for everyone but the book is a cheap way to try and if you don't try you'll never know!

I have bad anxiety and i know the feeling of your heart beating so hard it sends tremors through your body... it's the worst feeling ever :meh:

Hope i have helped a little... :shrug: