View Full Version : Nightmare

30-12-08, 21:55
Oh dear, feeling really breathless & anxious all day.

I had a dream other night that I only had 2 days to live. Which to me means I'm gonna die sometime after midnight!!

Now in my depressed state I would be saying to myself, well then the suffering would all be over with. But in my anxious state, I'm counting down the hours. My heart keeps beating like the clappers, I can't breathe properly, keep getting hot etc etc etc.

Why did I dream that & I suppose if you don't hear from me after 31st then it's come true.

Anyone had a dream like that & are still here to tell the tale?


30-12-08, 22:09
Hi Els :)

I have had a few dreams like that and I'm still here to tell the tale!
I'm not belittling how you feel but it is only a dream..maybe connected to something you have seen or heard recently?
I think dreams tend to bring out the strongest emotions we have and that is why although they're not real, they damn well seem to be!

Look forward to your continued presence here on the forum :hugs:

30-12-08, 22:12
Aw hun...you had a horrible vivid nightmare and they can feel so real when your so anxious. Please dont make yourself more ill by worrying your going to die. Health anxiety has to be the pits and one of the worst parts of our illness and it can be so scary. When im really stressed and worried i tend to dream more, and its always about stuff thats worrying me and it can manifest itself in all sorts of strange scenarios in my dream. But when i wake up...and if (because i dont always remember them) i can remember my dream i can usually think back to either a programme ive watched thats preyed on my mind or something in my life thats worrying me and i get it all jumbled up and dream about it in a wierd way.
Why not come into chat if your your feeling down and have a bit of a laugh and natter to take your mind off. I hope your feeling a little better now though.
Take care

30-12-08, 22:23
Thank you ladybird & lesley for your very quick responses.

I just feel so anxious, I am trying to take my mind off it by playing games etc but I know that I'm gonna be real panicky & anxious for the next 26 hours!!! (or maybe not!!). I just wish I could lose the fear (don't we all), cause it's gonna happen one day!

My brain hurts!!!!!!!!!:scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :scared15:

Thanks again.

30-12-08, 22:27
No problem Els, you go and hit the games section.
I go in there and sort of creep out after half an hour..I'm useless at games!

See you tomorrow (guaranteed :) )

30-12-08, 22:31
Aw elspeth theres always someone around on nmp if your in need of some reassurance...you never need feel alone. I play games in the arcade for hours too (i forget how long im there some nights lol) much to the annoyance of my hubby :) and i always end up feeling more relaxed...great way to take your mind off.
Take care
Happy New Year..hope it brings everyone a stress and panic free 2009!:winks:

31-12-08, 14:07
try not to worry too much Elspeth, I have had a few scary dreams over the past few months, they are horrible and we do tend to analyse them, I have dreamt of places numbers people etc connected with my mortality, once again they do frighten the living daylights out of you they are only dreams they cannot hurt you.

Have a happy new year look forward to talking to you again soon


01-01-09, 00:20
Well I made it!! Last 24 hours has been a frickin nightmare!

Thanks for all your replies & reassurance.

I have done a 'Happy new year' post, but wish you all happy healthy & prosperous new year.



01-01-09, 08:51
Hi Elspeth

Good to here your ok.

All the best for the new year.


01-01-09, 19:42
Glad to see your still here elspeth...Happy New Year