View Full Version : Afraid of something worse than headache

30-12-08, 22:21
I am a 23 year old female with a history of OCD and anxiety. My father's mother died at age 36 from a brain tumor, and I am beginning to think I may be developing the same thing. I came home from a cruise yesterday, and right before I got in bed last night I began having this strange "aura" sensation...almost like delayed/blurred vision. It felt like everything around me was swaying/breathing, but I was sitting still...it continued no matter what position I was in. I had had a fairly dull headache for most of the night, and I began twitching on the LEFT side of my body. (In all honesty, I did smoke a marijuana joint and I know this can increase paranoia, but I've still never experienced any of these symptoms). Throughout the night I was twitching and jerking...mostly on the LEFT side of my body. I would experience a jerk or twitch almost every 10 seconds or so. When I got in bed, I still experienced the twitching and my headache began to get worse. At one point I had a more intense localized pain on the top right side of my head that I was aware of for about 2 minutes, then it went away. Today I am still experiencing the "aura" feelings, just not as intense, and every once in a while I'll get a twinge of pain in the same localized area on the top of my head. I am so scare I may be showing signs of a possible tumor or aneurysm. Someone please help.

30-12-08, 22:50
hi caf sorry your feeling down at the moment my mum passed on when i was 9 from meningitus i thought we were all going to follow her but 36 years later and i am still here . the twitching is probably just anxiety it can affect us in different ways . try not to dwell on these things and i no some sufferers smoke pot for a bit of releif but as with all these things like pot alchohol other drugs there is a price to pay dont get me wrong i am not in any way judging you , far from it , hope you feel a little better soon

30-12-08, 22:55

Please try to relax.

As you said yourself, you have a history of OCD and health anxiety and I am sure that this is what you are experiencing just now. Slow down your breathing or try distracting your mind from your concerns (it will help).

Have you discussed your concerns in the past with your GP? This may be all it takes to ease your worries.

31-12-08, 03:25
As utility says, a trip to your doctor to talk over your symptoms and fears might be a good idea. All of the symptoms you describe could be caused by anxiety. You can end up 'somatizing' symptoms as well - you can concentrate on a part of your body so much that you start having sensations or pains in that area.

Personally, I would knock the weed on the head too. I always find that drugs and alcohol make my anxiety worse in the long run.