View Full Version : Ways to relieve tension/anxiety

31-12-08, 03:25
Hey ev1

I hope you'll join in here. I thought that we could all post ideas of what we do to try & relieve the tension & anxiety might be helpful to others.

I'll start, lol:D :D

If I'm out which is only to shop & get breathless - I don't try & control my breath, I let it do what it wants to do, I find trying to control it makes me worse. I also look all around me for different colours, different doors, count cars etc.

If I'm indoors I come straight here & play the games, 'Rufus Recall' is especially good as you have to concentrate so hard.

Hope you'll join in to try & help others.


01-01-09, 21:41
I find I feel better after a run. I don't have the confidence to go out on my own, but my friend is great and goes with me. I feel worry free when I'm out (talking is the distraction) and it uses up all the excess nervous energy! And I loose weight.