View Full Version : High anxiety for days???

31-12-08, 08:52
I just wonder a couple of things that i have hard to understand.
When i read books about anxiety they always describe it like attacks that stays for 15 minutes or so.

BUt i can have really bad anxiety for a couple of days straight, is this something anyone recognize?

Yesterday when i woke up i hade bad anxiety and stayed all day, felt tight, dizzy, had inner trembling and restlessness.
Luckily i could go to sleep without problems but i feel the anxiety is around today too.

It like a tightness in my chest, my heart beats hard and feel a little spaced out. Muscles are really tensed too.

THis can be for some days and then calm down.

Can someone help me out here? I get scared about this and i cant understand it.

/ Daniel

31-12-08, 10:25

I know what you mean about suffering the anxiety for days. I too have been getting bad anxiety for the past few days. I keep trying all the things I've learnt from reading Dr Clair Weekes books, for some reason it helps when I get panic attacks, but i can't seem to get rid of this anxious feeling. At the moment I have been getting the shakes, a tightness in my chest, aches and pains around my chest, rapid heart rates, which actually wake me from my sleep (around 4.30am usually), dizzyness, lightheadedness, jelly legs. Please someone take me to the vets and get me put down. hahaa.
I've suffered these feelings for roughly 9 to 10 years, I actually had a few years where my panic disorder didn't really affect me. From what I have read from other people I could now have become immune to the Fluoxetine i take. I really want to come off the meds, but now i'm concerned that this is the way i'm gonna feel like when i stop taking the tablets.


31-12-08, 12:06
Thanks for your replies.
I will download the mp3:s and try that.

The anxiety is high today aswell it was yesterday. I hate it so much, i just want to have a nice new years eve.

I have so hard to handle it when i get these days, my mind starts to spin and i get scared and cant think very rational.

It seems though that i am not alone with this problem, to extreme anxiety for days.

I try to relax and get acupunture for help and i think it gives me some help.

The problem is when i get these days i totaly forget that i have some ok days too.

I take no medicin after a bad experience. I got benzos i case but i am a little scared to take them too.

31-12-08, 12:10
hi there

i get high anxiety for days on end without panic attacks, i take sertraline they seem to help but when i get the anxiety its there for days even a week or so. i too just want to relax have a nice new yrs eve, im taking my nan to see my aunty in hopsital today ill be out all day then i worry ill be too tired to go boyfriends for party later and he will get fed up with me- im gona stay busy and hope this helps

31-12-08, 12:20
hi there

i get high anxiety for days on end without panic attacks, i take sertraline they seem to help but when i get the anxiety its there for days even a week or so. i too just want to relax have a nice new yrs eve, im taking my nan to see my aunty in hopsital today ill be out all day then i worry ill be too tired to go boyfriends for party later and he will get fed up with me- im gona stay busy and hope this helps

Its just like me, no panic attack just extreme anxiety.
I worry too being to ill doing anything tonight.

To be honest, it is not easy with relationships with this mess.

31-12-08, 12:26
i know relationships are hard work- sometimes i think is it worth it

we will be ok tonight what u meant to be doing? x

01-01-09, 19:05
My Anxiety/Panic Attacks last on average, 8 days straight. I get so ill that i litterally cant stand up without my mother holding me, and the only time i do get up is to use the bathroom. Ive had on many occasions, a doctor at my bedside saying my Anxiety is extreme and has never come across anyone like me. Great! Makes me feel so much better!:ohmy: :D

01-01-09, 21:36
My legs have been like jelly, and I've been shaky for 8 weeks now. The panic attacks are getting less though. I'm waiting for some counselling.

02-01-09, 08:31
i know relationships are hard work- sometimes i think is it worth it

we will be ok tonight what u meant to be doing? x

I went to a New Year dinner party at my cousins place. I went along ok during dinner but after that i got bad anxiety again.

Abdominal cramps, sweating, naussea and dizzy.
Of course i couldnt handle it and i freaked out and got very scared and thought that this is it.

02-01-09, 08:35
It is strange this anxiety, a feeling of standing on the edge to a big panic attack for days.

I know the doctors say that i am supposed to act like normal and dont let the anxiety to keep me from doing things but:

How easy is it to do things when you are dizzy, feeling naussea and depersonalisation? I have very hard to do things then, i always get scared and almost every time i end up focusing on the symtptoms.

How du you handle it? Is it possible?

/ Daniel

02-01-09, 08:56
As someone that has plenty of experience of this, over 25 years, I can safely say that it does get easier to cope with.

I still have high anxiety days, sometimes just anxiety in the background kind of days sometimes low anxiety, but it is always there in one form or another :whistles:

I suppose when you live with it for soooo long then you kind of get used to it and it doesn't scare you to the extent that it did previously. Having said that, when I DO have a PA it still knocks me for six!
