View Full Version : Question about meds and a tipple

31-12-08, 15:55
Hi there guys i wanted some advice for going out tonight. Having started taking citalapram yesterday i was wandering if having just one or two at the most drinks tonight would be ok , maybe two bottles of becks or something?
Anyone else going out or staying in , have a nice time :yesyes:
By the way just went through a right bad hour anxiety wise but coming out the other end of it now :yahoo:

31-12-08, 16:00
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better! I used to take citalopram and sometimes drank and was fine. I'm not sure if you're meant to or not, I was never advised against it, but I suppose people sometimes react differently, so I wouldn't like to promise it would be okay! If you've only just started I'm not sure if that will make a difference... Although if you're only having a couple I can't imagine it would have a huge negative effect, but like I said don't want to promise! Have a good night anyway!

31-12-08, 16:11
I was told if I wanted a drink to have the tablets in the morning. That way they'd be well in your system and less affected. I found 1 or 2 glasses of wine was enough for me. I'd be well tiddley then...