View Full Version : My Health Anxity Year In A Poem

31-12-08, 16:48
Don't know if anyone else will relate to this or not but thought I would post it anyway.

Another 12 months have gone by, consumed by worry and fear,
I never thought back in January, that I would still be here.
I’ve had so many diseases, from cancers to HIV,
Well I never really had them, but they seemed so real to me.

I’ve had all of the tests again, spent all that money of mine,
To find out that I’m not really ill and everything is fine.
But how the hell am I ok, when I still feel so bad,
They’ve got to be missing something after all the things I’ve had.

I’ve googled so many symptoms a book I could easily fill,
But instead of making me better, this habit has made me more ill.
I’ve distanced myself from family, and lost so many friends
This isn’t how I’m supposed to feel, when December ends.

My work has really suffered, relationships have died,
I’ve worried about my health so much I’ve never laughed just cried.
I focus so much on my body, and how I feel each day,
That instead of enjoying the gift of life, I’m letting it slip away.

Analysing every ache, and every little pain,
My GP sees me coming and says “Oh not him again”
I’ve had it with anxiety and what it’s done to me,
It’s time to make some changes and to set my body free.

Free from all the worry and the symptoms I have had,
Free from all the Googling that’s made me feel so bad.
Free from all the worries about that fatal heart attack,
It’s time for me to live my life and take my body back.

There’s no time like the New year to make a brand new start,
So I’m going to stop my worrying about my brain, and about my heart.
Thanks to you all for being there I know we’ll be just fine”
Let’s wave goodbye to 2008 and embrace 2009.


agent orange
31-12-08, 20:35
anxiety usually has an e in it lol.

31-12-08, 20:58
Thank you, Will - that was a fabulous poem! :D

You have summed up so accurately how I suspect most of us feels and how we would love to take control again and stop worrying so much - we have no fun!!!

I wonder if the Alcohlics Anonymous approach might work for some of us. They tell people with a drink problem not to envisage a whole lifetime of sobriety - a very daunting prospect - but to say to themselves, "I am not going to have a drink today". I am going to try that, "I am not going to worry about that lump/pain/dizzy feeling etc. today". I will promise myself the luxury of worrying about it TOMORROW if i really need to, but not TODAY!! Maybe, just maybe, the TODAYS will turn into a habit that will run into weeks and months and eventually let me be free of the worry altogether.

I am going to try that. Many thanks for the inspiration, Will, and a happy and healthy 2009 to us all!

Best wishes from Annie

agent orange
31-12-08, 21:00
great poem too.

31-12-08, 21:07
Will, if there was ever something I could relate to, your poem is it. It so well described the desperation and anguish we feel. I want you to know how much I appreciate your posting that. For me to see that others experience this condition with the same frustration is soothing but my heart breaks for you and everyone here, as it does for my self. It seems like such a waste of life, as you eloquently said. Bless you and thanks so much for posting that!

31-12-08, 21:12
Thanks for your response Annie Mags and Lauren 6 am glad you enjoyed it.

You too agnt orang :)

31-12-08, 21:33
Great poem!
Hope 2009 is kinder to you xxx

agent orange
31-12-08, 22:05
very funny will. not an e in sight (I smil...)