View Full Version : hello to everyone

31-12-08, 17:26
Hello everyone
It's taken me ages to pluck up the courage to join but here goes
I have suffered from anxiety for about 3 years since the breakup of my marriage, it mainly manifests itself as health anxiety and I really struggle to cope with it sometimes.
I'm very lucky because I have a really good family and one friend who is very understanding and supportive, I have other friends but try to hide my worrying from them, they might think I'm mental
I work full time with people who have learning disabilities and love my job so that does distract me for a period of time.
I'm 39 soon to be 40 (another source of anxiety) and have two lovely children.
I can't think of what else to write so just a note to say HI to everyone.

31-12-08, 17:33
:welcome: hello to you to , firstly to get one thing straight ,you are not mental ,well no more than the next person lol, you do a wonderful job with thats not the actions of a mental person , there are loads of people on here who will understand and support you , in my experience, just when you need it . and HAPPY NEW YEAR WOO HOO .

31-12-08, 17:58
Hello Linziloo i'm new here too (just a couple of weeks) I've found this site very helpful, well a god send really especialy over christmas. I'm not very good at writing epic stories about mysef but I have found reading other peoples stories a great comfort. I'm still learning about myself at the moment so all I can say is there seems to be some lovely people here to help us.:)

31-12-08, 18:08
Welcome Linziloo...
Don't worry about the 40 thing...I hit it a couple of years ago and you know what...it's not as bad as I thought!!!

(mind you...I do take LOTS of tranquilisers !!!!!!!)

It's a great forum, you're in great and safe company!

31-12-08, 19:51
Hi Linziloo

Welcome to NMP, pleased you plucked up the courage to join us.

I'm sure you will like it here. There is so much support and advice.

Hope to see you in chat xxx

01-01-09, 12:37
thankyou very much for the really warm welcome

01-01-09, 13:13
Hi Linzi

Welcome to the site I think you will get lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


01-01-09, 15:01
Hi and welcome :)
