View Full Version : i don't know how to feel

31-12-08, 23:00
:weep: i don't really know anymore, my life seems a total failure, this year i had to give up my job on grounds of dismissal due to ill health, due to my anxiety and panic attack problems, and few months back i started to self harm, i get very upset by things and situations i feel soo down
i look at pther people my age and they seem to have everything decent jobs, families, friends, their own homes etc and it makes me feel worse i know i shouldn't compare myself to them as i am not well at the moment, but ifeel im getting worse not better, ive seen a phychologist and it didnt go very well on the first visit, i felt to complicated for them to help me :weep: and feel ill be left alone to cope if they think they cannot help me, i struggle to communicate with strangers and find questions hard to answer i seem to need a few days or week to think about certain questions they ask cannot give an answer straight away, so after seeing them i was soo dpressed before xmas i normally love xmas soo much but it doesnt even feel like weve had it ive kind of just been floating through if you understand?, and now new year is nearly here i feel a thousand times worse :

31-12-08, 23:54
Sorry to hear you are feeling that way about life.

Over 2 years ago I tried to kill myself. I am so glad today that I failed to kill myself. Life so beautiful and so precious. I also find it difficult to communicate with strangers.

I have been going to a book group for over a year now. It has taking me all that time to be able to talk and take part in any dissussing about the books we have read.

I found phoning the samartins was a big help to me when I was so depress and about life, and it did help me to talk to people.

You are in my thoughts.

Keith xxxx