View Full Version : faking it

01-01-09, 03:32
do you guys ever feel like even though you may be well enough to function and look like you are living a happy life that really you are faking it most days and do not feel like you are really living and dread doing almost everything??
does that make sense

01-01-09, 04:48
I felt like that when I was really depressed. I carried on with work and friends etc for the most part but I felt like I was putting on a mask to make everyone think that OK while I was dying inside. I think it's quite a common feeling with anxiety and depression.

I had to change my situation and stop living a lie. Otherwise I would have to live the rest of my life like that, and I just couldn't do that.

01-01-09, 06:34
ya like when I'm around my friends I hide my anxiety n sometimes I don't really listen as I am too freaked out by my anxiety!
or if I need to leave or go outside I lie in say Oh i forgot to eat i need to go grab some food, or i've a headache

01-01-09, 10:26
MAkes total sense to me! I'm like it most of the time:weep:


01-01-09, 11:26
I totally concur!
I very much blag my way through everything, especially social situations, i guess hoping that at some point i might find myself enjoying myself and actually being a part of things!

Granny Primark
01-01-09, 12:20
Im exactly the same.
I can laugh but its for the benefit of others and not because I feel happy.

01-01-09, 18:13
Gosh I know that feeling of pretence so well :D

Do you think there are times when it could help though? What I mean is, I was watching an episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter :blush: who is basically an ex criminal who turned his life round. He was saying that when he first left prison he knew that deep down he was still a really horrible person but he said he started to pretend he was a nice guy by just acting the way people he respected acted and trying to live like they did even though at times he wanted to do exactly the opposite!

He says eventually it became the real him as he became so used to it and he didnt find it such a big ordeal. I wonder if that could ever be the case with anxiety?!

01-01-09, 18:34

01-01-09, 19:33
i always put a brave face on things when i feel low ,which is most of the time ,but really i feel very low and depressed about the whole blooming thing ,even now got horrible symptoms ,feel really tired and fed up

01-01-09, 20:51
I know what you mean.I do it all the time.The fear is that if I dont do it..people will see the real me.So its on with the happy face.All the beat for the new year:)

01-01-09, 21:04
It's 9am and I've just got into work...

Colleague: Hi Tash how are you?

Me: I'm great thanks, really well (when I actually want to say something like; I am so panicky and feeling dizzy that I might pass out on you at any moment...)

Yeah I fake it everyday...I don't know any other way :-(

Sympathise with you all on this one x

01-01-09, 21:18
:hugs:Hope your day gets better.:-}