View Full Version : New Year's Eve having palpitations

01-01-09, 07:24
I don't know what is going on with me.. but today I had so many palpitations that I couldn't even enjoy the beginning of 2009...
I am distresses because I am spending 9 days with my in laws and they are driving me nuts... I've kept my panic attacks under control since june 08 and I was doing fine until today...
It is weird to feel those things... specially when is so real.. I can't stop thinking that I am going to die or have a heart attack....
:( that is horrible...

please.. if you have a word to help....

01-01-09, 07:45
Hi Danna - you know it's the panic making you feel the way you do, you're not going to have a heart attack :). I find distraction a good way of heading off a PA - can you do something distracting by yourself for a while, or give someone you trust a call and have a chat? Or just stay on here on the boards and distract yourself by thinking up replies for other posters (that often helps me). If you can get some time by yourself for a little while, maybe watch a dvd or something for a few minutes until you start to feel calmer.

You're going to be fine, honey, this is a stressful time of year for all that it is about fun and family - you're not alone in feeling this way.

01-01-09, 15:18

LeeBee is correct, it is panic and nothing else that is making you feel this way. Distraction ( count from 100 to 1 in reverse order), slow breathing or even just going for a walk are all good methods of relaxation.

This time of year can be stressful for the best of us, so please try and not think it is anything more sinister.

01-01-09, 19:10
Have you tried the Heart Palpitations Forum? You can speak to a genuin Cardiologist and he gives the best advice and reasurance ever. I cant ever find it by looking for it through Google and ive lost the link in my Bookmarks so maybe someone on here can help you. Give it a go, he's fantastic xx

Ok i found it!
