View Full Version : So my story...

01-01-09, 07:38
First post, so hello! Already this site seems to have put my mind at ease. I had never had any symptoms of panic attacks before hand, well none that i noticed, i have always had a sporadic mind but it never bothered me really.

Just before christmas eve i got an ear infection and an cyst in my gums so i started on a course of antibiotics. Ive had reactions to antibiotics in the past, usually a rash, so i was uneasy taking them. I was a few days into the course and in bed when i got extremely hot and panicked, high heart rate, and my hands didnt seem to respond that quickly, so i called a friend and she took me to hospital. I had smoked some marijuana earlier that night (not something im proud of, nor will do again after this) and i explained this to the doctors, so they said it was a cannabis induced panic attack, took some chest xrays, gave me the all clear and said to continue with the antibiotics.

Now i wasnt new to smoking marijuana so i really didnt think this was the cause, although it definently made the situation more intense. So i continued on the the antibiotics for a couple of days but i kept getting these intense warm rushes and chest pains. My gums were better and my ear had regained hearing so i stopped taking the antibiotics about 36 hours ago. I felt alot better straight away, but i cant tell if this was a physical reason or if i was sub consciously un sure of the antibiotics. This is all just really confusing and i really dont feel like im panicking, i dont seem to be thinking about anything, just watching tv and it will just show up. When it happens suddenly I'm stressed about being alone and am convinced im going to die and the doctors have missed something, and it was a bad reaction to the antibiotics and they just dismissed it when i mentioned i had smoked some marijuana.

Im 22 and never had this before, i dont know what to think and im finding it hard to kick it from my mind. Rationally i know the doctors took blood tests and gave a chest xray so surely im fine. argh! sick of this. and now today for the first time i had a persistent pain in my chest, even when im not feeling panicked.

Sorry this was so long, im just unsure of what to do.

01-01-09, 07:56
Hey nick, welcome to nmp :).

If you were having a reaction to the antibiotics then any ill effects should stop once you stopped taking the tablets. The pain in your chest could well be tense muscles which often happens with anxiety - I've had tightness and breathlessness which I thought was heart or respiratory problems but was just anxiety.

As you have been ill, it won't do any harm to have a follow-up appointment with your general practice doctor. You can talk over your worries and hopefully get some reassurance that you are fine.

In the meantime try to distract yourself from 'checking' your symptoms by doing something relaxing and enjoyable but not too exciting :) e.g. watching a comedy dvd, reading a funny book, cooking a meal. Once you're absorbed in something other than your fears you might find that they subside.