View Full Version : Flu & pulse rate

01-01-09, 10:20
Hi all & Happy New Year!!!

I got a bad dose of flu & my pulse rate is at times hitting 110.

Is this normal? Anyone else have this at all & should I be worried??

Any advice much appreciated.

Normally my pulse is between 68-75

01-01-09, 10:23
Hi Pete...

a fever and anxiety will make your pulse rate increase but 110 is perfectly safe. Try and do some slow deep breathing and relaxation. I find the more I focus on fast heart rate the worse it gets! 110 is no faster than it would be if you were exercising.

Hope you feel better asap...lots of rest, fluids and painkillers will help,

take care.


01-01-09, 11:15
Thank you Ellie. I will heed your advice & it is most reassuring.

Happy New Year

Boos Mum
01-01-09, 11:21
i just had this take something to lower your fever, lot of water:hugs:

01-01-09, 11:24
Flu is really really horrid..... how's your heart rate doing?

A nurse friend of mine told me to sit up straight with feet on the floor and to take really deep slow breaths when my heart rate goes too fast or the palpatations are bad - didn't believe her at first but after trying realised it does help!

Distraction can help too - listening to music or watching the tv, warm bath...anything that takes your mind off the heart rate/pulse.

take care Peter,

01-01-09, 13:37
Yeah it has slowed a bit. Down to 84bpm. At least its not jumping out of my chest like it was!!

I spent the night with the tv on to distract me but oh boy what a horrible night. Hopefully the worst is over but ill see tonight if it starts up again.

Thankyou so much for your kind advice. REALLY helped!!


01-01-09, 17:00
I had the flu early this year - in October. It actually started 2 days after I was hospitalized for a fast heart rate of 148. My fast heart rate was all due to anxiety and even after I got home, I still couldn't calm down. While I was sick with the flu, I told my husband that I was dying and that my heart was going to explode because it was beating so fast. He checked my pulse for me and told me that it was 84.....come to find out that he lied to me! My pulse was actually 130 and when he told me that it was only 84, it only took about 4 minutes for my pulse to actually come down to 88! He didn't tell me the truth until the next day when I was feeling better. It's amazing how your mind can play tricks on you and cause all kinds of physical symptoms!

01-01-09, 18:59
Peter hun I wouldn't be worried. I had a fever and my uncle was over my house, he's a doctor, a very brilliant doctor. I had a fever but I kept obsessing over how fast my heart was beating and my uncle said it's no big deal. With every degree of rise in body temperature, heart rate increased by 10 bpm. I was surprised to hear that, but I believe it.

01-01-09, 23:14
I think it is also because if you get sick you panic, that and a fever will make your heart race, is very scary, happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I hate being ill and always panic, I can't just go to bed and sleep it off, it always panics me.

01-01-09, 23:46
Exactly chrissie, thats how I felt. I got through last night and my pulse is now around 80bpm but ill expect it to rise as thenight is always bad.

I just wish I could stop checking my pulse!!!!

02-01-09, 08:31
Hi Peter, hope you had a good night. You'll find this site will help you alot, it's good to know that other people have the same feelings and problems as you.

02-01-09, 09:56
How are you doing today Peter? How was the night?

Hope u r feelings heaps better....:)


02-01-09, 12:11
Hi Ellie,

Yeah Im feeling a bit better. I did have another rough night. I kinda fell asleep for a bit and awoke at 2.30ish with a bad palpitation. Took about half hour to calm it down. (plus soaking my face with cold water)

The room was quite hot & I'm sure that had something to do with it.

But im feeling alot better this morning. Just a cloggy head still. With a bit of luck Ill be up and about the weekend.

I honestly feel sorry for those who suffer the same way. Its terrible when it occurs, but it will go away after a while.

Thanks for being there everyone, esp you Ellie. xx