View Full Version : Darn it!!

01-01-09, 13:05
Hey all,

Well, there I was, doing OK and actually managing to spend Xmas with the family & feeling pretty good, when last night - BAM!!, up the panic crops it's ugly head again - all night, wave after wave of the flippin' things. So of course today I feel lousy - Happy New Year!:wacko:

AGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:blush:

01-01-09, 13:29
Awww, sympathy Caramel!!!! I had a bad one christmas day and missed my tea with the family which is my favourite bit!

Lets hope it was the last of the year hey?! :-)

01-01-09, 16:13
Hi Carmel

I believe I am in the process of recovery and have been for a while now but I still have waves of panic from time to time they just don't alarm me as much. I think you will find that this is going to happen for some time our minds are still programmed to panic but this doesn't mean you are not getting better. Try to stay positive and you will overcome this. Sometimes when we are tired or have been doing alot more things than normal the panic will rear its ugly head just to remind us, but try and ignore it.

I wish you well


01-01-09, 17:08
Thanks guys - oh Notator!! That happened to me last year - no roasties is a bad, bad thing! :hugs: sassa fasse rassen panicky thingies!