View Full Version : Feeling really rubbish and very panicky

01-01-09, 15:59
Hi guys... :)

I think i'm coming down with something :weep: - I feel totally rubbish but in a non-specific way - slightly heady, head ache, dizzy, totally out of sorts. Am really worried it's the flu virus starting or something worse :unsure: - of course the biggest fear is of vomiting :weep: .

It's not been a good day because I'm feeling low anyway and soooo tired :weep: ..

Sorry for sounding so pathetic - I just dont deal well with any illness let alone vomiting.

Anyone else feeling the same/struggling with the day?



01-01-09, 17:19
Hi Ellie, try not to worry too much. i don't think it's flu - my boss had it a couple of weeks ago (he's a doctor) and told me it came on really suddenly, with aches and chills and high fever. If you are feeling a bit off in a non-specific way, you are probably just tired and out of sorts. Have you had a busy, stressful Christmas? I share your fear and worry over the vomiting bug, but unless you are feeling really nauseous already, it does not sound like that, either. Why don't you wrap up warm, make a nice hot drink and try to distract yourself with something fun of your choice (reading, telly etc.) After an early night and a good night's sleep you will hopefully feel a lot better in the morning. (By the way, for what it's worth, my boss came back to work after a week off (waaaay too early for me - despite what he said, I was so afraid he was still infectious! Anyway, here I am, ten days on, and have not come down with anything! :) ) So let's try and stay positive and confident that with just a few precautions we will manage to stay healthy this flu season. Best wishes to you from Annie