View Full Version : Panic Attack - Shaking

01-01-09, 16:57
I am going through worst time. I have been taking Citalopram for nearly 4 weeks. I am often very shaky and in a state of fear! Diazepam helps greatly but dont think my GP will prescribe more as he says its very addictive.

Any suggestions please??

01-01-09, 17:15
Hey MarkW

I am so sorry you are feeling like that :hugs: I used to take Citalopram - it worked for a while, but then things got worse again, and I was put on Velafaxine which I'm still on. I'm afraid that I don't really know anything about Diazepam:unsure: so not much help there I'm afraid.

What I will say is that I've been feeling much the same as you, this flippin' time of year doesn't help - too much pressure on all of us. Go back to your GP and talk to him or her about it. If that doesn't get you anywhere, change your GP -we all deserve the best care, but unfortunately don't always get it!

Keep your chin up - you're not alone:)

01-01-09, 20:14
Thanks Caramel. My GP isn't that good. There are 6 in the practice and only one that is reasonable and its like talking to a wet fish talking to him!

01-01-09, 20:57
Hey Mark,

Just wanted to say I sympathise with the Dr situation, I only have one or two in my surgery that are sympathetic to my panic attacks, so you're not alone in that respect.
I'm so sorry you're going through a hard time at the moment. Panic attacks are so awful. Feel free to PM me if you need a sympathetic ear. I've had panics for 4 years now, so nothing you say can shock me.

Take care

01-01-09, 21:10
Hey Mark,

Just wanted to say I sympathise with the Dr situation, I only have one or two in my surgery that are sympathetic to my panic attacks, so you're not alone in that respect.
I'm so sorry you're going through a hard time at the moment. Panic attacks are so awful. Feel free to PM me if you need a sympathetic ear. I've had panics for 4 years now, so nothing you say can shock me.

Take care

Thanks Nat. Need something to treat it.

Veronica H
01-01-09, 23:52
:) Hi Mark
There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. This is available from the NMP Shop. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded free to your MP3 from the NMP Shop too. I have Citalopram which lifts my mood but doesn't do much for the anxiety. Dr Weekes definitely does.


02-01-09, 09:56
Thank you for that Veronica. It is a specific problem which is causing me the anxiety so I guess until thats cleared I cant do much about it.

02-01-09, 20:40
I've been taking Diazepam 5mg for nearly 10 years now and I'm not addicted. I only take it when I'm having a panic attack, I have anxiety much of the time but the trick is to save the Diazepam for for when you're desperate - like bringing out the big guns, and it's good to know it's there if you need it.

When I was first prescribed it, I took it every day but the truth is, it becomes ineffective if you take it too often, your body becomes aclimatised - well that's what I felt anyway.

Also, I think if your GP knows you're not taking it too often and are being sensible with it, he's more likely to give you a repeat prescription.

Good luck.

02-01-09, 22:54
Thanks Reggie, I have been keeping it for bad days, trouble is they all are just now!

03-01-09, 05:00
Agreed Reggie, I only take my diazipam when Im doing something major or are really bad with my anxiety attacks. Its effective evertime I use them, I dont want to become addicted to them or rely on them so the best thing would be to use them when your really bad. It puts your mind at ease knowing how effective they are and you can take one anytime to ease the panic attacks. It makes them less intense having that backup.

03-01-09, 22:40
thats one of my symtoms that everyone spots, my shaking sometimes i'll be shaking and not even realise and thn they will mention it and then i feel awful :(

04-01-09, 02:09
Klonopin or Clonazepam is also effective at treating shaking and whatnot, but unfortunately, it can also be highly addictive, just like Diazepam.

I am on citalopram as well. I've lowered my dose to only 10mg per day, as it seems I am hyper-reactant to it, even though I used to tolerate 20mg doses just fine only a couple years ago. It seems to help my anxiety-related symptoms fairly well if I find the right dosage. When I get prescribed an anti-depressant and try the dosage my doctor recommends, and I find myself uncomfortable with that dosage, I end up experimenting and lowering the dosage by myself to see if it works better...and that's what I'm currently trying out again. Some doctors shame on straying away from their recommendations without talking to them about it, but I feel it can be something a patient is allowed to do if they can spot signs of trouble.