View Full Version : why do i bother?

01-07-05, 15:43
today has got to be one of the worst days i have had in a while, usually i have my mum to walk with me out the house but unfortunatly we had a fall out and my partner has work and i dont realy like bothering my friends so i have been trapped in this house all day with my kids and my son keeps telling me he wants to go ta tas nad he is too young to explain to why i cant leave the house,i need shopping and all sorts from the shops and i feel like such an idiot because i cant go to the shop and its only 2 streets away. i realy dont know why i am alive, what is the point in my exisitance? i mean that is all i am doing, im not living i am merely existing. i feel so trapped and its actually driving me crazy, no one can help me and nothing can help me,im stuck in this rutt and i cant get out of it.


01-07-05, 20:18
Hi there,
sorry you are feeling so bad right now, you can be helped and you can help yourself. How would your children feel if you left them? they need you. i'm sorry you have fallen out with your mum, is there any chance you can sort things out? maybe your partner can help with the basics of shopping etc. you can entertain your children inside for now, drawing, painting etc...and then when things improve, and they will, you can take over again? read lots of information on this site, many of us have been in the same situation as you are now, and have come out of it. Have you seen a doctor or anyone? sometimes a short course of medication can help, sorry i've not been much help, you are not alone, keep in touch and take care..

02-07-05, 08:28
hi thanx for your reply, yes i am on medication but it doesnt work only makes me feel worse so i dont like to take it too often.im actually going to attempt outside my self today, so fingeres crossed. thanx for your reply anyway.x.


02-07-05, 08:43
Hi Denise

We have all felt just like you at some point throughout our anxiety... I know I certainly have. I know it seems like anxiety is running your life but there is a way out.... promise. I remember at the height of my panic I didnt want to be alone, I couldnt even use the toilet or go for a bath etc on my own just incase soemthing happened to me.... now to me thats seems silly but only because I taught myself how to relax and through hard work and positive thinking I got over these fears. I am not entirely over my anxiety but I am almost there.

You say you are taking medication, how long have you been taking it for as I know it takes a little while to start having a positive effect. Always speak to your GP if you feel its not working and maybe they can give you soemthing else. Also has your GP offered you any type of counselling etc?

You say you are going to attempt to go outside on your own today.... thats great but take small baby steps Denise so that you dont feel overwhemlmed and gradually build up your confidence and eventually you will be able to go to the shops on your own and feel fine.... I PROMISE!!! It will be a lot of hard work and positive thinking but you can do it.

Things will get better for you Denise always have this goal in sight, even in the midst of panic. We are always here to listen and help when you need it. I hope today everything gets sorted with your Mum and you feel better.

Take care


02-07-05, 14:22
Hi Denise,
how are you today? you mentioned stepping outside, good on you! take it slowly though, one step at a time, have you a garden? maybe you can just go out there for a short time with the kids? easier said than done i know, but it's a start? or try just going the the front door? let us know how you are doing. take care

02-07-05, 15:18
hi there hope things get better for you soon

here if you need to talk


02-07-05, 20:51
Denise -

Good for you for finding that bit of spirit in you whilst you felt awful..

You might like to consider the No Panic telephone recovery service which really helped Maxine start going out again after a long period of time without being independent.

We will support you though doing it or by doing self taught CBT of taking little steps and making progress .

Maxine's cbt progress. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2308)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-07-05, 11:41
hi, thank you all for your kind and encouraging words. when i got out side i felt very dizzy but i walked over to my mums( she actually bit the bullet and ask me over) and i did feel so scared but i did it, but had to get my big sister to walk me back over again. going there again today but i dont think it is very far i want to walk to the shops on my own. the thought of it makes me weak at the knees.


03-07-05, 11:48
well done denise, one step at a time you'll get there in the end .. tc andrew