View Full Version : I feel better after that...

01-01-09, 19:35
Four times in the last 24 hours i have blubbered like a right baby watching the tv!
Message in a bottle....one of the dvds i got for xmas with kevin costner...omg ive never seen anything so sad in my life...jees i was a mess
Mr Tom yesterday about a young evacuee during the war who had suffered child abuse...i really felt for him and the abuse he went through and i sobbed my heart out for him.
Jane Ayre today..when janes little friend died near the beginning it was so sad... i absolutely wailed
Mr chips...he died at the end, but it was just so touching...yes i broke my heart again.
Yes I am definetly getting softer as i get older. But you know what though i feel loads more relaxed because its gotten rid of a load pent up frustration thats built in me over the past few months. I recommend a good weepy film a box of hankies, and a nice glass of wine..better than any pills.:)